Little Iron? Here's The Anti-Anemia Foods!

Anemia is a condition characterized by a reduction in the total amount of hemoglobin in the body than normal physiological levels (less than 12 g/100 ml in women and 13 g/100 ml in humans).

According to the Foundation CHARTA (Center for Health Associated Research and Technology Assessment), the number of anemic has now risen to 700 million;

In 50% of cases the source of the disease, there is a nutritional deficiency due to incorrect power supply.

There are several forms of anemia, including some non-responsive to nutritional treatment:

Pernicious anemia or megaloblastic anemia, whose cause is a deficiency of vitamin B12 or Folic Acid;

Anemia due to iron deficiency, either for a lower food intake e.g. a menstrual flow abundant or maybe in pregnancy and lactation, and gastric diseases;

To prevent anemia forms described above, it is essential to treat the power, being followed by a specialist.
There are arrangements to follow and food combinations that should be avoided.

We begin by food precautions.

Iron can be found in several foods, animal, also known as heme iron, it is found in lean meats, fish and white meat to vegetable or non-haem iron, can be found in cereals, vegetables, and legumes, more difficult.

The non-haem iron, is recommended to take the same meal together with vitamin C, found in citrus fruits, grapes, kiwi fruit or vegetables like broccoli; then you could add a lemon dish of vegetables and combine it with a nice plate of legumes.

The amino acid cysteine found in meat, for example, has the ability to increase the absorption of iron content in plants, so it is good practice to match the meat a nice plate of vegetables.

The vitamin B complex is found in foods of animal and vegetable origin and copper together, but also molluscs found in eggs and dried fruit; then a great match for example, legumes and beans type molluscs and mussels.

Folic acid, if it is lacking is well integrate it, is found in green leafy vegetables, wheat germ, liver, but it's good to know that in baking you can lose from 10 to 50% folic acid, then pay attention to the cooking.

Combination to avoid:

You should not take together in the same meal, sources of calcium and iron, because the first limits the absorption, such as meats and vegetables and Parmesan cheese, etc.

Still, you should not combine foods rich in tannins, such as coffee, tea, chocolate and sources of iron, for example, avoid drinking wine in a meal rich in legumes.

Then in spaghetti with clams, baked sea bass, Red Lentil soup, trenette al pesto, etc. and at breakfast is rice milk and dried fruit or Granola, cranberry juice or blackcurrant.