The Danger of Toxic Refined Sugar Killing People More Than Smoking and Alcohol

To reveal the harmfulness of this ingredient is a group of experts from the University of San Francisco, which in an article published in the journal Nature entitled "public health: the truth about sugar toxicity", highlighted as the damage caused by this food are very similar to those given by alcoholism.

According to the scientists, Robert Lustig, Laura Schmidt and Claire Brindis, sugar does not provide calories, but only in the quantities consumed in the West, raise metabolism changes the pressure alters hormonal signals and cause significant damage to the liver.

From this study, it appears that health hazards are largely similar to those that you have drinking too much alcohol, which is derived from the distillation of sugar ".

... and there's more!

According to the scientists who conducted the study this ingredient, used and disseminated worldwide, is one of the main responsible for 35 million deaths a year from diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular problems.

Of course, even in this case the difference is quantity;

For example: in the United States daily intake of calories dates exclusively from sugar is often greater than or equal to 500 units.

This means that more than a third of daily calories consumed by Americans comes from only this ingredient.

The problem then is that in the world, and particularly in some rich countries take too and this can lead to serious diseases!

Scholars are not talking about banning sugar, but this has to become a concern of Governments, which should make the sugar consumption less convenient, and at the same time convey the message to the population ".

Besides sugar, then there are a number of other "variants", present in many foods, which are no less dangerous than the classic sugar.

And then how to prevent dangerous diseases resulting from excessive consumption of this ingredient?

Definitely limiting consumption, learning to eat and drink less sugary foods and drinks and trying to still opt for natural sweeteners, such as honey, which is the same amount have a sweetening power than sugar!

Read the labels and know what you're really buying for ourselves and our loved ones, addressing so our choice on the best products, is a weapon that the consumer has for itself and affect producers, increasingly sensitive to profit an end in itself that the citizens ' health.