10 Benefits of Blueberry Juice

When we think about Blueberry property the first thing that comes to mind is: urinary tract infections but the Blueberry can do much more. To our heart, digestion, weight loss ... Discover the 10 benefits of blueberry!

Native Americans used it for decades for its nutritional properties and medical products as well as for its taste: Blueberry is a real boon in alleviating the discomfort of urinary tract infections, is useful for when you have trouble breathing, even anti-cancer drug.

Bilberry is also incredibly versatile in the kitchen and there are many ways to include it in your diet.
Here's how you can easily introduce and in your diet:

  • Drink 100% pure Blueberry juice
  • Eat dried Blueberry as a midday snack or trip
  • Add a handful of frozen blueberries in your Smoothie
  • Add it to your breakfast cereals
  • Sound yummy blueberries combined with Turkey, but also with pork and chicken
  • Make blueberry muffins or Oatmeal Cookies with Blueberry

In short, you are spoilt for choice in the use of blueberry in the kitchen!

But now let's see the 10 benefits, that will convince you to eat in quantity!

1. Prevents and relieves urinary tract infections
Try mild discomfort or even pain during urination? It is possible that it is a urinary tract infection.
Such infections occur when the existence of certain urinary tract microorganisms exceeds the normal amount for our body.

E. Coli causes 80% of urine infections; Blueberry juice is a valuable aid to prevent and relieve: it contains Proanthocyanidins, which inhibit the ability of the bacteria to take root on the bladder. Drinking Blueberry juice can contribute to slow down bacterial reproduction.

In addition, the Blueberry makes the urine more acidic, thus creating a more unsuitable for bacterial life.

2. Helps the cardiovascular system
Flavonoids in blueberries may help reduce the risk of heart problems by improving the health of the heart; they can decrease the chances of developing atherosclerosis, which is a condition that restricts the flow with arterial plaque buildup: the lack of oxygen in the arteries can lead to heart attack and stroke, in fact.

And finally the Blueberry juice boosts good cholesterol up to 121%.

3. Prevents dental disease
Although Blueberry juice is acidic, and so, like many juices, not just healthy for the dental enamel, it is also a great ally of oral health.

Proanthocyanidins, we said, help prevent urinary tract infections, inhibiting the growth of bacteria: they can have a beneficial effect for the teeth to prevent tooth decay.

As for any fruit and fruit juice is always good to look before the amount of sugar: it is therefore advisable to buy a juice that is as pure as possible and free from additives and added sugars.

4. Helps you lose weight
Compared to other fruit juices, is less sweet Blueberry and is easier to find at the supermarket as 100% pure juice without added sugar for dietary purposes.

Drinking a glass of Blueberry juice at breakfast is a great way to start the day: it is a real boost antioxidant with very few sugars!

5. Prevents cancer
Blueberry is a superpower in cancer prevention.

The Proanthocyanidins content in Blueberry juice inhibit the growth of various cancer cells. Studies have also shown that flavonoids also reduce cancer risk, too.

6. Helps digestion
Blueberries are rich in fiber, which help digestion and stomach and intestine make it happier. Because blueberries are really effective in this however, you must eat the berry in full or make a nice Blueberry Smoothie and other fruit.

Recommend a nice Blueberry and apples flavored with ginger as an excellent and delicious digestive. Stomach and intestines will thank you and smile!

7. Strengthens the immune system
Who drinks a glass of Blueberry juice a day is less likely to catch colds and flus.
All thanks to polyphenols. These antioxidants protect the body against free radicals.
Blueberries are known for having a higher concentrate of antioxidants compared to other fruits.

8. Contains vitamin C
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, neutralizes free radicals, boosts the immune system, contributes to the production of collagen ... and so on and so on and so forth! Blueberry contains in large quantities!

9. Is a precious ally of pregnant women
Yes, the Blueberry is also a friend of pregnant women.

Intake of vitamin C along with vitamin E may help prevent pre-eclampsia, a condition that, associated with high blood pressure and increased protein in the urine of a pregnant woman can cause premature labor.

In short, Blueberry in quantity for 9 months!

10. Is versatile
Cranberry juice does not lend itself to only be drunk alone: you can use it in many creative ways, to flavor cocktails, to make a smoothie, to prepare a homemade cranberry sauce with which flavour the Christmas Turkey!