The 8 Extraordinary Benefits of Black Tea

Who doesn't like a nice cup of tea in the morning? Is the first thing we think of when we wake up, the first thing that we offer when someone is down in the dumps and the first thing that you would want when there are cookies in vista. But trust me, the tea can do much more for you ...

Did you know that black tea, the famous drink that arrived in Europe in the 17th century, amazing has beneficial effects on our health? Very often have heard of green tea Oriental property.

But now that you will read this list of 8 benefits, start drinking a lot more black than before!

Here are a few little things on black tea you should know:

  • Black tea without milk has ZERO calories. WOW!
  • Four cups of tea with milk provide 21% of the daily requirement of calcium without the need for any dietary supplement, dear women!
  • Is a source of both health mineral, magnesium and potassium.
  • A medium Cup of tea contains less than half the level of caffeine than a cup of coffee.
  • It is a natural source of fluoride!
  • Green tea and black tea come from the same plant, Camellia sinensis. Green tea is not as oxidized black tea: is this item to give to the two different colours and flavours tea.

1. There are so many varieties to suit all tastes
All teas come from the same tropical plant, but is the process by which its leaves are oxidized giving different varieties of tea: black, white, oolong.

That black tea is a leaf completely oxidized. There is a main type of black tea, but the different cultivation methods to return the Interior variety white.

Like wine, black tea may have different shades of color, flavor and texture. Try them all!

2. It's beneficial for the heart
Drink 3-4 cups of tea per day (about 2 cups full) may significantly reduce the risk of heart attack of 11%,

A study in Finland found that men who drank more than two cups of tea per day had a risk of 21% less stroke, while a French research found that women who drank more than 3 cups of tea per day had a 32 percent lower risk of blocked arteries.

3. Improves cognitive function
The caffeine present in black tea, certainly less than the coffee, contributes to the functioning of our cognitive and brain activity, acting also on mood and level of attention.
Besides flavonoids (antioxidants) it contains may help improve brain function, facilitating blood flow in the brain.

4. Can help you control your weight
Regular consumption of black tea can improve the distribution of body fat and thus have a positive impact on body weight in General.

5. It's good for teeth
Black tea may prevent the formation of dental plaque: sure, unless you add tons of sugar!
Polyphenols contained in black tea inhibit the growth of bacteria in the mouth: then prevents infections and, not least, reduces the risk of bad breath!
However this type of tea, a bit like coffee, can stain your teeth.

6. Can prevent type 2 diabetes
New studies have found that black tea can help prevent type 2 diabetes by helping to control the digestion of carbohydrates and inhibiting some digestive enzymes that govern the formation of glucose.
By inhibiting the activity of these enzymes therefore decreases the amount of glucose in the body.
In any case always applies the rule to limit sugar!

7. It's anti-cancer drug
Black tea, citrus fruits and juices are a source of flavonoids, which may reduce the risk of ovarian cancer.
Two cups of tea could reduce this risk of 30%.

8. You can enjoy in much different ways
Black tea can be enjoyed in many different ways in addition to the traditional mix with milk and sugar or accompanied with a twist of lemon.