Aloe Vera Nutrition Facts and Healthy Benefits

Aloe vera is a plant belonging to the family of Leek and his name in Botany is Aloe Barbadensis Miller classification, it can be found in temperate climate zones, has fleshy leaves and can reach a height of one meter; approximately 350 species are classified.

Is an ancient plant, there are notes on some Assyrian tablets dated around 2,000 b.c. found in Mesopotamian city of Nippur; also it seems that it was one of the plants used by the Egyptians for embalming of the Pharaohs, is also why it is called the "plant of immortality".

In the aloe gel, i.e. inside the leaf, transparent, contains a high concentration of complex sugars, particularly glucomannani, which have large immune-stimulating properties. but the peculiarities of the Aloe vera gel are numerous thanks to the amount of vitamin A, C, E, B group vitamins, folic acid as well as minerals such as iron, copper, calcium, magnesium, zinc, chromium, potassium, sodium, manganese, selenium, phosphorus, germanium and yet essential and non-essential amino acids, fatty acids, sterols, phospholipids, plant hormones, enzymes, lecithin saponin, lignin.

But what is the Aloe vera gel?

  • boosts the immune system and is a good antivirus
  • detoxifies and purifies
  • is an excellent anti-inflammatory
  • is a great cure for psoriasis
  • is a coagulant and healing
  • is a natural antibiotic, antifungal and antibacterial
  • has anti-aging properties
  • is a moisturizer for the skin
  • works like cellular regenerator
  • is an antipyretic
  • is an anesthetic
  • help for asthma
  • is a great adjunct to the intestinal balance
  • It is a tonic and creates a good gastric barrier
  • stimulates metabolism.

The Aloe vera gel detoxifies the body as it helps eliminate dead cells and accelerates the formation of new tissue, for this reason it is considered an excellent cicatrizant. The anti-inflammatory properties due to its ability to act as a steroid without the side effects. It is often used for the treatment of osteoarthritis, to reduce pain and redness caused by sprains and muscle sprains, tendonitis helps healing and is good against burns and sunburn.