9 Green Monster Ways to Detox Your Body

Detox is a word that we see and feel everywhere. It is something that we tend to do when we ate a bit too much at Christmas or had a drink too many over the weekend. But, why is it so important detoxification? Detox removes the accumulation of toxins in our systems that may be draining our energy, leading to poor digestion, causing allergies and can lead to life-threatening diseases.

Our body detoxification with healthy foods, plant-based, our bodies become more alkaline as opposed to having an acidic pH from choices of diet and unhealthy lifestyle. Why alkaline? Well, the disease does not exist in an alkaline body. And detoxification and reaching an alkaline pH, you will notice that they have more energy, better digestion and have a lighter complexion.

We must not sign for juice cleanses hundreds of dollars to ' detox '. We can detox ourselves simply by cutting out acidic foods from our diet and replacing them with alkalizing vegetable-based foods. Start by cutting out processed foods, sodas, artificial sweeteners, chips, candy, bread, meat, dairy products and alcohol. Thus, we should add a variety of nutritious foods vegetables in our diets. Check out these suggestions for ways Green Monster to Detox.

1. Hot Lemon Water

Besides being a refreshing way to start your day, hot water and lemon comes with a range of health benefits. Although lemons have an acid taste, they are incredibly alkalizing. Why don't you just drink the Detox juice of one fresh lemon with warm water. The hot water will stimulate your bowels, pushing out all the toxins from your body.

2. Carrots

Eating carrots is a phenomenal way to eliminate toxins from our bloodstream and neutralize the acidity in our bodies. Grate a carrot in your salad, toss carrots to your smoothies and juices and add the shredded carrots in stir fries and salads. Try this coconut carrot salad; you will love the flavor combinations, nutrient or check out this amazing carrot juice recipe.

3. Probiotics

Probiotics are essentially good bacteria that increase our digestive health and help to detoxify the remains of undigested food, unhealthy, environmental pollutants and daily toxins out of the system. Probiotics help break down and remove waste products from the digestive tract, which ultimately prevent toxicity of entering the bloodstream. Take them as a supplement or try these 10 easy ways to get probiotics on a plant-based diet.

4. Burdock Root

As the liver and kidneys work hard to filter out impurities that we ingest, we need to eat a variety of foods that provide them with energy and nutrients to help the cleanup of toxic waste. Burdock root is one of them. In addition to increasing detoxification, burdock root helps to protect cells from damaging toxins. Drinking burdock root tea or take a daily supplement!

5. Ginger

Ginger is amazing to remove toxins from your system, especially the liver. If you have had a few alcoholic drinks at Christmas, or a weekend where he may have eaten too much comfort food, ginger could be your ticket to feel great. Try to grate a knob of fresh ginger and stewing in hot water for 10 minutes and drink away!

6.Flax Seeds

As an excellent source of fiber, flax seed support the digestive system providing insoluble fiber, which expels waste and toxins out through the digestive system. Sprinkle with flax seed to your morning muesli or smoothies; use ground flax seed and make these bars of Chia seeds Raw hemp and use to make a raw Vegan Pizza with flax red pepper crust.

7. Kombucha

For those of you who are familiar with Kombucha, you know how amazing it is for your health! Is jammed packed with probiotics, help liver detoxification, balance pH levels and increases our metabolism. Learn how to make Kombucha with our simple guide!

8. Cucumber

With a high content of 95% water, eat lots of cucumber is an easy way to keep hydrated. Keep our cells hydrated will allow them to fully operate and detox your system of toxins. Try this alkalizing baked Falafel & cucumber Noodle Salad with Tahini Dressing and Mint-onion Avocado Salad Spicy Asian cucumber.

9. Coconut Water

Coconut water replaces electrolytes that are lost through physical activity. Electrolytes to rehydrate the lost fluids as well, by providing the body with essential minerals such as magnesium, calcium and potassium. It is also super alkalizing, too. Enjoy coconut water or add to your smoothies!