Top 5 Fermented Foods to Add to Your Diet

1. Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut has been around for hundreds of years and have been used as a booster of remedy, immune system and digestive healer. Also a great way to store your food is easy to make at home. Sauerkraut made from fermented cabbage that naturally has B vitamins for good gut health and natural Prebiotics. Check out these tips for making your own home and have one portion per day with every meal that you choose.

2. Kimchi

Kimchi is a fantastic source of probiotics and very similar to sauerkraut with a few differences. Is usually spicier and is known as Korean Kraut. Containing peppers and other vegetables, it is also generally more rich in antioxidants even if made in a base of cabbage. Does not contain caraway seeds, dill or other spices commonly used in sauerkraut. Choose this option if you want the most bang for your buck and other spices in your bite! See tips on how to make your own kimchi at home and because it is really a recovery food to include in your diet.

3. Real Pickles

Real pickles (not the ones on the shelves) much like sauerkraut but are made with cucumbers and spices. Buy real pickles found in produce section that are chilled. The best brands will include only organic cucumbers, water and salt (preferably sea salt). Several brands also include herbs like dill or garlic and onions if you like more flavor. Pickles are packed with good probiotics and that are made from cucumbers have many healing intestine together sources of minerals, such as silica which helps the health of hair, skin and nails.

4. Raw Coconut Yogurt

Yogurt is great food grown to include healing plan and into your regular routine. Why? Because unlike fermented foods, yogurt is a meaning of food grown which is kept in a stabilized environment to ensure fair and develop cultures take place. It is usually made with milk mixing acidophilus cultures and a few others that provide the healing properties and adjusting to the digestive tract. However, if you're a no milk or eating just trying to avoid the negatives that can come from eating dairy products, opt for a homemade yogurt raw coconut. Avoid those who store a lot of fillers and sugars that can actually harm your gut instead of help it. Coconut yogurt also has the benefits of containing antiviral nutrients known as lauric acid and Caprylic acid which have been proven to fight and kill the yeast and other forms of bad bacteria in the body. Coconut yogurt is delicious too creamy, rich, and so easy to make!

5. Water or Coconut Kefir

Water kefir is a great option of milk kefir, which has 10-12 times the probiotics of yogurt. However, one thing to keep in mind about kefir is made from yeast, probiotic cultures not only. Kefir is made from kefir grains cereals but simply a mass of yeasts that produce good bacteria during the culture process. If you are sensitive or allergic to yeast, you should opt for yogurt, however, since it is not derived from yeast. However, if you are not sensitive to yeast, definitely opt for kefir whenever possible. One of the oldest healing drinks to consume is available like water kefir or coconut if not tolerate milk products. See more tips on coconut kefir here, or buy water kefir at your local health food.