Diet to Prevent Flu and Convalescence

With the arrival of winter come early season ailments. To prevent the flu is essential to strengthen their immune system. A great help getting there can surely from feeding, even if already affected by the flu. Between joint and muscle aches, fever and various disorders, often don't think to eat, instead, to overcome a slight illness, but debilitating, such as influenza, it is critical to choose the appropriate diet.

A diet for the influence must surely be light, digestible but nutritious at the same time, in order to reinstate many of the lost nutrients and important to our defenses. In fact, during the first three days of the flu, namely those days where often we neglect the eating, it is important to follow some useful recommendations.

The first tip is, of course, get in bed, resting, and symptomatic therapy practice preferably recommended by their family doctor, drink plenty of water at room temperature, eat foods rich in vitamin C (especially citrus and kiwi), prefer protein foods among the white meat and fish because they are more easily digested. In the diet, there must be also the pasta every day. " Complex carbohydrates of pasta, in fact, constitute the main source of energy for the brain, muscles, and red blood cells for the body and is therefore the essential fuel to carry out daily activities. "

"Pasta is preferable to season with extra virgin olive oil and fresh peeled tomatoes, good sources of vitamins (A, C, E) and antioxidants, especially lycopene, present in greater quantities in cooked tomato. Adding seasoning to animal proteins (tuna or ground meat or minced fish) it makes balanced meal from a nutritional point of view and allows you to recover the lost muscle mass with low physical activity ".

In the convalescence period could also be useful to integrate taking honey, pollen and Royal Jelly. The latter is a product with exceptional properties, rich in B vitamins, mineral salts, stimulates appetite and gives tone and vigour to the organism. Often sold in vials and often associated with known antioxidant Blueberry.