The Paleolithic Diet

The Paleolithic diet was not ' invented ': matches what they ate early humans. In 1985, it was rediscovered by an American doctor, Dr. Eaton, for whom the ideal diet would correspond to that of our stone age ancestors.

The principle
According to Dr. Eaton, are our genes determine our food needs. And since we have, with a margin of 0.02%, the same genes of our prehistoric ancestors, the power of that period would be theoretically perfect for us.

The Paleolithic diet is part of carbohydrate diets: are completely eliminated dairy products and cereals (and therefore also the bread). It includes only between 20 and 40% carbohydrates, 20-35% protein and 30-45% of lipids. In this diet, there is no need to count the grams of carbs or calories. The main rule is to stop eating as soon as you are satisfied. According to Eaton this diet facilitates weight loss, protect against cardiovascular diseases and cancer and promotes good digestion.

Authorized foods
Lean meats, poultry, fish and seafood, eggs, fruit and vegetables (vegetables low in starch), nuts and seeds.

Foods to eat in moderation

Cold pressed oils, avocado, tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages, nuts.
Foods to eliminate

Grains, legumes, dairy products, processed or canned products, starchy vegetables (potatoes, cassava, Yam etc.), fatty meats, savoury foods, sugar, carbonated water.

According to Eaton, you can indulge every week one, two or three meals composed of "unapproved" foods: these exceptions allow you to get used to the new better diet.

Things worth knowing
The Paleolithic diet is not the same as eating all our ancestors. Some of them were more herbivores than carnivores.

Typical day
Orange breakfast, smoked salmon, walnuts.
Lunch Salad of different vegetables, seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice, Turkey Breast, chopped almonds and raspberries.
Veal steak dinner, various vegetables, cantaloupe, and sunflower seeds.

During the first six months, this diet may result in a weight loss more relevant than that obtained from normal slimming diet low in protein and high in carbohydrates. However, after six months, those who follow this diet tends to regain more weight than those who follow that low in fat.

The pros
This diet is based on a substantial consumption of protein, which give a sensation of satiety.
This type of diet can be followed everywhere, as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, seafood, fruits and vegetables are readily available foods.

The Paleolithic diet can cover all our food requirements (except for vitamin D), but the monotony makes it impractical in the long term.
This diet requires a lot of discipline and a great control.
This diet can induce a yo-yo effect due to the very rapid weight loss of the first two weeks.
Attention to deficiencies and nutritional deficits.

A deficiency of vitamin D is to be expected in the short term. You will need to compensate with supplements.

Caution Consult your doctor before starting a diet.