Feijoa (Pineapple Guava) : The Fruit of a Thousand Virtues

The feijoa is a small fruit with a thousand virtues, used both in the kitchen and in the cosmetic industry has considerable healing properties.

Native to the mountainous areas of South America, the Acca Sellowiana fits very well at lower temperatures (up to -7). It is an Evergreen shrub that produces small round shaped fruits of about 5 cm in diameter, with glossy white or yellowish pulp and slightly wrinkled green skin.

The fruits have a very strong scent that feels even before they have ripened and sweetly tart flavour makes it particular, someone calls it similar to pineapple.

The healing properties of the feijoa:

1. Prevention
For its remarkable iodine content (mg/100 g), feijoa has a great preventive properties against thyroid diseases such as goiter.

2. Intestinal Disorders
Thanks for the great fiber intake, this result keeps the balance of intestinal functions.

3. Bactericidal Function
The leaves, stem, seeds, and fruits have a strong antibacterial activity against fungi and bacteria that cause gastrointestinal disorders.

4. Bone development and pregnancy
The feijoa contains among other vitamin B9, also known as folic acid, an essential element in pregnancy prevents fetal deformities such as spina bifida, while growing children, allows the proper bone formation, a deficiency of vitamin B9 may cause anemia.

5. Immune System
Thanks to the presence of vitamin C and K, the feijoa is offered as support and reinforcement of our immune system.

6. Antioxidant
The feijoa has antioxidant properties that help the slowing of cellular aging.

7. Detoxifying
The large amount of water, about 80% of the fruit, and the variety of vitamins present, give the feijoa energizing, toning properties and purifying properties that benefit our entire body. The liver is literally washed, the blood becomes more smooth and cleaned of impurities, the laxative action allows you to expel toxins and these activities reflect on our appearance. giving us a new brightness.

8. Cardiovascular Action
The presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega 3 and omega 6, have blood thinners and dissolve the fat in it by lowering cholesterol levels and then bring great benefits to the cardiovascular system by removing the risk of thrombosis and heart disease.

Cosmetic properties of the feijoa
The extract of the fruit of the feijoa sellowia is used in cosmetics in various preparations, creams, soaps, essential oils, etc. for its moisturizing, softening, refreshing, invigorating, purifying, emollient and nourishing.

Feijoa in kitchen usage
Let us not forget that this small miracle of nature is a fruit that can be eaten simply by cutting it in half and reveling in the flesh out with a teaspoon, but also used to flavour wine, cocktails, ice creams, desserts, cakes, jams but also meat and fish.

The flowers of this plant are edible, the Brazilian children love eating them sometime directly from branches while adults make herbal tea, or using them on salads and desserts, with their delicate pink also serve as decoration.