Sugar harmful as alcohol and smoking

A group of researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) argues that sugar is harmful as alcohol and smoking.

Supports it by writing in the journal Nature.

Attorney extensive damage to health and provides a real addiction, like tobacco and alcohol. According to scientists the sale of sugar should be regulated by law. The sugar is favoring the spread of obesity throughout the West and where over the last 50 years, its consumption is ramped contributing to the prevalence of diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer, causing up to 35 million deaths worldwide each year.

Sugar can easily become a substance to abuse because omnipresent in the feeding of Western countries, with all the damage that entails. Sugar not only gives the body the so-called empty calories that cause weight gain. When ingested in certain quantities sugar ends up changing the metabolism and increase blood pressure by changing hormonal balances and procuring major damage to the liver. Roughly the same effect that produces alcohol consumption.

Proposals to limit its consumption ranging from introducing a surcharge on sugar just the same way as alcohol and tobacco to label as "junk food" all foods that contain too, using the media to make people aware of the seriousness of the damage resulting from his abuse.