Pineapple Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

One of the most appreciated and popular fruit, pineapple or "pineapple" has an interesting story to tell. It spread up from his home by local Indians originally Paraguayan clubs in South America, through South-Central and Western India. He was born in Spain in 1493, Columbus discovered America. In the 15th and 16th centuries composed of the rest of the world by European sailors (like tomatoes), brought with them to prevent scurvy, a disease that causes deficiency of vitamin c.

Scientifically, it is known as the "ananas comosus" and belongs to the family of bromeliads of the genus; Pineapple.

The pineapple is a perennial, tropical, drought. Grows to 5-8 feet tall and spreads to cover about 3-4 foot radius. It is essentially a short shank, strong with a long needle, wax-tipped Rosette of leaves of saw blades.

The plant bears fruit of long, cylindrical, oval different in every season from March to June.

Pineapple fruit is described as (more) connection type of fruit, which fused together from many smaller fruit developed around a central core. The flesh is juicy and meaty with the serve as stamp fibrous core support. The outer skin is rough bark, hard and scaly. The color in the ripe fruit can be yellow, orange or reddish. Internally, juicy fruit flesh can vary from creamy white to yellow and has a mix of sweet and tart flavor with rich flavor. Each fruit sizes up to 12 inches in length and weighs from 1 to 8 pounds or more.

Health benefits of pineapple fruit

Fresh pineapple is low in calories. However, it is a warehouse for multiple health-promoting substances, minerals and vitamins that are necessary for optimal health.

100 g fruit is only about 50 calories is equivalent to apples. Their meat contains no saturated fat or cholesterol; However, it is a rich source of soluble and insoluble fiber such as pectin.

Pineapple fruit contains a proteolytic enzyme Bromelain, food is digested by the degradation of proteins. Bromelain also has anti-inflammatory, anti-coagulate and anti-cancer properties. Studies have shown that eating pineapples regularly helps fight against arthritis, indigestion and worm-infested.

Fresh pineapple is an excellent source of antioxidants and vitamin; 100 g fruit contains vitamin C or 80% to 47.8 this vitamin. Vitamin C is needed for the synthesis of collagen in the body. Collagen, the main structural protein in the body are necessary for maintaining the integrity of blood vessels, skin, organs and bones. Regular consumption of food, the rich help scurvy vitamin c. protect from the body; develop resistance to infectious agents (boosts immunity) for rooms and is pro-inflammatory, harmful free radicals from the body.

Contains small amounts of vitamin A (provides 100 IU per 58 grams) and beta-carotene levels. These compounds are known to have antioxidant properties. Vitamin A is also required to maintain healthy skin, Mucusa essential for image processing. According to studies, natural fruit protect against lung and oral cavity cancers helps rich in flavonoids of the human body.

In addition, the pineapple fruit is rich in B-complex group of vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, Pyridoxine, folate and minerals such as copper, manganese and potassium. Potassium is an important part of cells and body fluids, helps control heart rate and blood pressure. Copper is a cofactor that is useful for the synthesis of red blood cells. Manganese is a cofactor for the enzyme superoxide dismutase, which is a potent free radical scavenger.