How to Get All The Benefits of a Vegan Diet

In this article we will share with you how to get the best out of your vegan diet, explaining what is the most subtle and devious trap in which 90% of falls and vegan ruin many of their good intentions.

What we've decided to share with our readers comes from our own history, in fact, in the spring of 2014, we ended up in an unexpected situation and difficult, even after 4 years of dental hygienist lifestyle, we found ourselves faced with a drop in energy, an impressive original B12 deficiency and other intestinal problems.

How was it possible that we were living a situation like that, just when we thought natural health experts after years and follow a way of life according to the rules of igienismo?
Well, if you're vegetarian, vegan, or if you just want to start this beautiful path, then there's something you need to know and that will save you many years of trial and error: the 90% of vegans does not Digest vegetable food well, fails to get the most from your diet, micronutrients and thus can experience problems such as:

  • Belly often swells;
  • deficiencies (hidden or visible);
  • little energy;
  • poor digestion;
  • confusion about how to adopt a vegan diet really healthy and balanced ...

Avoid the major veg-trap and get all the benefits from Alkaline Vegan Nutrition!

The most insidious trap to avoid if you want to set your vegan diet in a more balanced and healthy as possible is not to cure you of your digestion. Vegan-trap

You have to keep in mind that after 20, 30, 40 or 50 years of omnivorous diet and untidy lifestyle, almost all of whom go to vegan, even if you don't realize it, with a weakened digestive system and unable to properly digest plant fibers.

Our body, over thousands of years has not registered any genetic modification, but, on the contrary, our intestinal flora has adapted to digest meat, dairy products and grains for survival.

Scientifically proven and are under the eyes of all the advantages of adopting a vegan diet (without forgetting the great ethical benefits it brings), but a quick and messy step can lead, in the long run, to develop problems of malabsorption and weakness!

It is of fundamental importance to treatment of your body and the digestive system, so as to heal in depth the digestion, absorbing the most micronutrients and get all the benefits of the vegan diet.

Heal digestion and dramatically improve nutrient absorption and metabolism with these 3 steps


The human body and especially the digestive system were weakened by a lifestyle and power drivers. Switching to vegan, you have to help your body heal and get used to digesting well the fiber foods! Energy and micronutrients of food plants are protected from the fibers and cellulose. To digest them properly you need a strong stomach acid (HCL) and an efficient digestive system!

You must facilitate the digestive process by breaking the fibers and digesting food through:

  • Blender;
  • Extractor;
  • Correct Persistent Chewing Plant Foods.
  • Blend, extract juice and chew live for good food and allows the prediger them small intestine proper absorption.

Proper absorption avoids forever deficiencies, delete the unnecessary material and excess toxins!

Many vegans and raw vegetarian, eat many salads and fruits without properly digest! The undigested remains of fruits and vegetables enable a fermentation process, because of fatigue, bloating and intestinal air too!


Our bodies are made to digest food in the easiest way possible! Mix too many ingredients in a meal will not ruin your digestion ...

Too much confusion exists on food combinations and the obsession ... Respects few but effective combinations and learn to perfectly Digest vegetable food you eat!

  • EAT as much SIMPLE AS POSSIBLE (rather EAT a LOT, BUT ONLY ONE food, MAXIMUM 2) ...


The vegan-raw food Grandmaster Lou Corona conducted a lengthy search, discovering that even organic fruits and vegetables is deficient in enzymes. The grave situation of impoverishment of the soils of acidity, minerals and enzymes deficiencies, Chemtrails and pollution has created a really unpleasant and dangerous situation for the health of all!

We all live a very serious deficiency of enzymes and minerals (coenzymes), trace elements without which no biochemical reaction in the body is possible, including digestion!

Take enzymes and probiotics supplements high quality raw vegetable you could transform your life!

If you want to heal your body permanently and pass to the next level really your nutrition, ABOUNDS with ENZYMES!

Survive to the modern society means to do the best you can to keep your body healthy and efficiency ...

Integrate enzymes and probiotics has had amazing results for many people (including us, we put on 4 lbs of lean mass in 2 months, having finally learned to absorb what we were eating!).

If you follow these steps, a great amount of enzymes, minerals, and phytonutrients will be available to reverse the aging process and thereby effectively neutralizing the effects of oxidation of tissues!

We want to share with you these principles, because it will help in a concrete way to shorten your journey and get great benefits from Vegan Nutrition!