Eat Healthily? Here are 10 Healthy Guides

Why is it important to eat healthily?

What we eat on our organism effects in both the short and long term.

Here are 10 healthy guides for our meals.

1. A safe source of vitamin C per day! Fruits such as kiwi and all citrus fruits (Orange, Clementine, lemon, grapefruit ...) have a peel which allows a good vitamin C retention. They are also eaten raw, completely avoiding the destruction of vitamin C during cooking. Vitamin C, remember, is useful against fatigue and stress.

2. Keep the spices and aromas. Allow to give flavor without adding salt. Spices (paprika, chilli, saffron, cinnamon, curry, etc.) and herbs (chives, basil, thyme, parsley, Rosemary, shallots ...) have several properties, including to facilitate digestion.

3. Take chocolate. Magnesium containing has anti-stress and antistanchezza. Is good for your arteries, the heart and the morale!

4. eat tomatoes. They are low in calories but rich in carotene, lycopene, a substance antioxidant that protects the arteries and fights cancer.

5. drink green tea, herbal tea, vegetable soup ... Water consumption is often too low. The advice about estimate the need for liquids in 1.5 litres per day.

6. eat a piece of fruit every morning. Organic fruit acids stimulate the appetite. Can enjoy a hearty breakfast, covering the needs of the body since the Awakening (about 25% of the energy needs of the day).

7. The Onion gives strength! The sulphur content in onion reduces increased blood sugar levels and has a positive effect on the intestinal tract bacteria. Its flavonoids protect the arteries, while selenium has an anti-aging effect.

8. Think walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds. These dry fruits are sources of "good" fats, potassium, fiber, vitamins B and E groups. Their consumption reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and intervenes in the intestinal operation (not to take in too much).

9. What about honey? Contains formic acid, which helps to relieve a sore throat and helps fight the transient insomnia. In addition, rule the intestinal transit.

10. vary your choices! The guide is essential to stay healthy. Is diversifying foods that we can supply our needs, since every food has its wealth.