The incredible properties of pistachio

Good news for lovers of ... pistachios: in the recent Congress of Nutrition International Congress last September, were outlined some recent studies according to which a consumption of pistachios would reduce the chances of contracting diabetes mellitus type 2, which effectively constitutes 90% of diabetes cases, absolute, worldwide.

But what exactly is pistachio?

And 'the fruit of a plant of ancient origin, imported from the Middle East by the dominations Arab. It part is the seed, green covered with a thin skin purple.

The pistachio is basically composed of water (3.9%), carbohydrates (27%) fibers (10%) ash (3%), sugar (7.6%), and starch (1.5%). There are minerals like calcium, fluoride, potassium, and vitamins A, B1-B6, C and E.

The pistachio is already universally known for its many beneficial properties. Solves problems of high blood pressure, and is an excellent tonic for the nervous system due to vitamin A, iron and phosphorus. The presence of isoflavones and organic acids in pistachios help the body defend itself against free radicals. A recent study conducted by the American Association for Cancer Research Frontiers showed that consumption of pistachios would help reduce, significantly, the risk of contracting lung cancer.

In the food industry, the pistachio is a food commonly used in confectionery and ice cream, creams and icings very tasty. We also have many examples of use of the pistachio also in the deli or in combination with many recipes, as an ingredient able to guarantee a strong taste and interesting.

Italy currently stands in sixth place in the world ranking of manufacturers of pistachio, just after China. It is possible that the news about a possible use in the medical field can increase domestic production more significantly.

So, on the honor to ... pistachio. An element maybe sometimes too careless to our food supply, associated with walnuts, hazelnuts, and dried fruit to a type of power too high in fat and calories. It offers, in fact, a heritage and nutritional intake beneficial respectable.