My son is going as a bike

It is that my son is going as a bike everywhere, not for! -typical comment from motherer that baby, still! And is that childhood is one of the most beautiful stages of our lives: we run, we play, we don't have concerns, Grandma candy... But what happens when the children don't stop really? Can you intervene the power in their behavior?

Deficit hyperactivity (ADHD) disorder

In this case I speak of disorder deficit of attention with hyperactivity (ADHD), a problem neuro behavioral observed in children of increasingly frequent form. ADHD affects the child at home, at school and in social situations. It is very common to present a series of problems such as, for example, submit homework incomplete,speak impulsively, be aggressive, not waiting your turn or difficulty to accept tasks. They have many problems when it comes to learning and a large part of them tends to repeat a year.


ADHD is treated with medication and behavioral therapy, but food is a very important factor in development and in the course of the disorder. Specific diets have been used for many years without being based on the evidence, as it is the case of the diet of Feingold, which States that food dyes containing synthetic and naturally occurring salicylates should be removed from the diet for its neurological effect.

The most effective nutritional treatment for the individual with ADHD is a diet based on whole grains and legumes, fruits and vegetables, in addition to meat, fish, dairy and eggs rich in amino acids. A possible cause of hyperactivity in children is the lack of essential fatty acids.

The food should be served at regular times, with small portions that can be repeated. This is an important concept, because of the tendency of the child or the person concerned to eat very small amounts and then lift the table, thinking back later, or to comisquear throughout the day. Some programs recommend remove the food and return it only when it has explained why it is acting as well. The intervention requires that the child sits at the table in a high chair away from the TV or other sources of distraction.

Energy and sugar-sweetened drinks

In a recent study has been as sugary drinks and above all influence the energy in the development of ADHD, which is more common in boys than in girls. The risk of hyperactivity and inattention was increased by 14% for each additional sugared drink consumed. Students who drank energy drinks, had 66% more likely to suffer from ADHD.

You should limit consumption of sugary drinks and avoid the consumption of energy drinks in children, including sports drinks or sweetened coffee.

And I wonder, will need have kids take an energy drink or soda? I have seen so many children in supermarkets filling the carriage of these products under the approval of their parents that terrifies me. I am sure that these children have not never tried a strawberry, banana and milk shake. It's time to start using utensils kitchen and fresh fruit, isn't it?