8 Six Pack Abs Nutrition Tips

First of all, you should know that fad diets are bad for you. Stay away from them. Instead, observe what works and follow these proven tips.

1. drinking massive amounts of water

You must replace the soft drinks, fruit juices and alcoholic beverages with tea or coffee and good old plain water. These alternatives have 0 calories and help you melt your belly.

2. eating right fat for breakfast, lunch and dinner

Not all fats are bad for you. Some examples of healthy that you should include in your diet are salmon or other fatty fish, olive oils and peanut butter. The right fats actually help to melt belly fat. Is the fat that you really need to avoid trans fatty ... is terrible for your health. The consumption of saturated fats should also be reduced. Read labels to see what you should and should not eat.

3. don't eat too many carbohydrates

There are certain foods with a lot of carbohydrates they should stay away from. This includes oatmeal, pasta and bread. However, carbohydrates you should include with every meal are fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables-especially vegetables-low in calories and will give your body a lot of energy.

4. the importance of protein

You must include some protein at every meal you have. Examples include meat, chicken, fish or dairy products. This is essential for building muscle mass. You may also consider protein shakes.

5. 5-6 small meals each day

Instead of 3 big meals per day, have much smaller than 5-6 balanced meals. Now it is known that you should eat every 3 hours to keep your metabolism going. You will also have a lot of energy using this approach to eating. If you follow this tip, you will see that belly fat is Eaten and you'll have more than enough energy to training sessions.

6. don't over do it

You should allow yourself to have a cheat day or at least a few cheat meals per week. A little junk food here and there is fine and actually helps you stay on track. If you are eating right 100% of the time, this is not sustainable and will fail. You must allow some goodies from time to time.

7. healthy foods

At least 80% of the time, you should eat healthy foods. By healthy, I mean things like vegies, fruits, beans and lentils, nuts and seeds and lean meat. These types of foods have been proven to help burn belly fat for good.

8. eat a lot!

You want to eat a lot of healthy foods, so you can have enough calories to build muscle around your belly ... Don't eat too much either though ... The point here is that you don't want to be starving yourself because this actually causes accumulation of fat. This approach means enough of the right foods to eat every day and stay away from the wrong foods at least 80% of the time.

If you enjoyed these tips, you can find much more in my free report on insider secrets for a lean body. You can find it by clicking here. Read it, but more importantly to implement it.

Have fun! and good luck to you on your journey to a lean body.