5 Fitness & Nutrition Tips for More Weight Loss

Here are 5 fitness and nutrition tips to help you with your weight loss program. Follow these and you will increase your metabolism and burn more fat.

What I would do if I were you?

If I were you and I wanted to lose fat I gained during the holiday break ... whether it be 3 pounds, 10 pounds, or 20 pounds or more ... so, here is what I would do if I were you ...

1. I would go back to the program that worked best for me in the past. So let's say my best fat loss was ever 8 pounds in 4 weeks last summer ... when I was eating well and doing 3 full body workouts per week followed by intervals.

So I would just go back on that program, ready. Don't worry about trying to set up some fancy program based on this research, or simply return to what worked before.

2. drink six cups of green tea a day and 3.5 grams of Omega-3 fatty acids per day (I'd get this from eating fish or fish oil supplements). I would eat at least 6 servings of vegetables per day and 6 servings of fruits. Would you like to munch on almonds. I would eat only lean protein sources. Etc. etc. and this is what I do, every day. Maybe some pizza during the weekend, but other than that, stick to the plan.

3. I would do only the exercises that I hated it. .. until I hate them because they are hard. For me, which is squat, dumbbell rows, split squats and other large muscle group exercises. Just think of those exercises took my metabolism.

For many people, pull-ups are a huge challenge ... and let's face it, I'm a total body exercise, if done right.

In fact, all major exercises of strength workouts and interval are "total-body exercises". If you don't think BOM line traction are total body exercises, then you're not doing them at their full capacity. Maybe you don't have the full body muscle control to work your entire body with these exercises.

If you are confused with what I wrote, go ask a really experienced lifter, in person, and should be able to show you how you can do all the lifts "total body exercises".

4. I will add more calisthenics to my exercise program. Body weight workouts don't cause too much pain, but they will allow you to give your body more metabolic turbulence, meaning more fat loss and more calories burned.

And you don't have to drive to the gym to do these. In fact, you could probably get a workout total body weight of the body, done in the time it takes to get to the gym and back.

5. would keep trying to get stronger. To get a strong education causes the metabolic response in your body. In less geeky language, this means that your body will burn more calories and ultimately more fat when you exercise to become stronger.

No more-dee-daing and farting around with high reps, low weight stuff. Let evil training videos from the 80 's.