Do You Know Seven of the Best Low-Sugar Fruits?

Who can resist the mouth-watering surprise when you sink your teeth into a slice of watermelon? Or that satisfying crunch of an Apple? But could too much of this good thing ... be a bad thing?

Considering the amount of vitamins and minerals in fruits, more is better, of course. Instead, eat more than the three recommended one day might have is that it consumes the amount of sugar equivalent in a candy bar. And knowing that, could have just eaten the candy bar! Just kidding.

So, to keep you enjoying the tasty treat without ruining your nutrition plan, here is my list of the seven healthiest fruits that will satisfy your sweet tooth. This is based on sugar content, calories and macronutrients (carbohydrates and proteins) alone.

# 7-mango

65 calories/14 g/12 g protein/carbohydrate 5 g sugar
You can burn more calories peeling the darn thing before you actually eat it! In the Middle, this exotic fruit does not tip the scales on sugar too bad and certainly does not compromise the taste.

# 6-Nectarine

63 calories/carbohydrates 15 g/1.5 g protein/11 g sugar
An average size of this fruit comes with the works: crispy outside and juicy inside enough to satisfy your sweet afternoon muchies.

# 5-watermelon

48 calories/11.5 g carbohydrate/protein 1 g/9.5 g sugar
Another calorie-burner on prep, a cup of watermelon can be just as refreshing as a cup of ice cream, am I right? Also, it is very dense, so water fills up!

# 4-kiwi

50 calories/12 g carbs/1 g protein/8 g of sugar
You can't go wrong with the perfect mix of sweet kiwi and tart taste. Maybe even throw it with Cup of watermelon, and you have the perfect snack under 100 calories and less than 20 g of sugar.

# 3-plum

30 calories/8 g carbs/protein/7.5 g of sugar
I know, plums are small so they're bound to have little of anything in them! But talk of an explosion for your taste buds if you eat a ripe plum. That's what I'm talking about!

# 2-Cantaloupe

54 calories/14 g Carbs/1 g protein/sugar 3 g
A cup of this melon contains less sugar than a Peppermint candy single hard! And it's much more filling, don't you think?

# 1-strawberries

46 calories 11 g/1 g carbs/proteins/7 g of sugar
Now this is what I call to have my cake and eat it, too-fruit-style! A whole Cup of these berries is not only one of the healthiest fruits when it comes to antioxidants, but is very generous in allowing to maybe have another Cup without the major sugar rush.

Have a great workout!