5 Amazing Pregnancy Nutrition Tips

We all know that keeping ourselves well fed during pregnancy is an absolute must, so here are 5 pregnancy nutrition tips to try:

An Apple a day keeps away the asthma:

We all felt the meaning of new age old saying ' an Apple a day keeps the doctor away ', but this little known fact gives everything to it. There is strong research and evidence to suggest that eating an Apple a day during pregnancy reduces the risk of your child have asthma later in life. One study found that children of mothers who ate apples during pregnancy were less likely to show asthmatic symptoms such as wheezing.

Eat chocolate for a happy baby:

In 2004, scientists in Finland found that eating a small amount of chocolate on a regular basis during pregnancy led to have a happier child. 300 women were questioned, those who ate chocolate during their pregnancy regularly reported to have a happier child. However, it probably won't take these findings as an excuse to eat chocolate pound after pound, only eat a small amount every day to satisfy your cravings and keep your baby smiling.

Reduce swelling from munching a Banana:

Suffering from edema of pregnancy? Well apparently that potassium can be found in bananas can help reduce those swollen legs and feet. So take a tip from our furry cousins and munching bananas on a regular basis.

Skim milk is good as a whole:

If you are accustomed to drinking skimmed milk or semi-skimmed milk and cannot bear the thought of switching to something richer, don't worry, because it really isn't necessary. Skimmed milk and partly skimmed milk do not contain any less calcium, only less fat, so can put whatever you want on your cereal without worrying about whether the intake of calcium is high enough.

Mud and coal cravings mean you need more iron:

All of a sudden find themselves fight the urge to chow down on mud or charcoal? Well this is because your body is crying for iron, then visit your OB or midwife for an anemia test.

Make sure that as soon as you discover that you are pregnant to brush up on what you need nutritionally. The above facts are fun, but the pregnancy nutrition is a serious business and the key to being able to provide a nutritious diet is education!