The Ultimate Nutrition Tip

Why I eat so much? This is really the question I wanted to ask yourself this week. And I have the ultimate nutrition tip for you.

If you can only follow one nutrition tip it should be only eating when you are hungry and eat less.

And as enthusiastically as people try this challenge, I'm never shocked to see how many people actually have a hard time doing it. May be the most difficult challenge of nutrition that you can try.

So why do you eat so much? And why you have problems eating less?

There's probably a dozen things that could be due to eating so much. Can be:

  • Boredom
  • Stress
  • Distraction
  • Fill a void
  • Fun
  • Contentment
  • Socialization

But you are probably very aware of most of the ones you're probably guilty of a few.

However, in my experiment with eating less I found 2 new reasons why you could eat so much.

1. you're thirsty.

One of my biggest challenges is drinking enough nutrition (sometimes any) water. I have a really thirst mechanism. I go since good for having a headache and feeling like my gears are grinding. So I have to go into overdrive to rehydrate. And if I just stayed hydrated first I would be fine.

However, since I was trying to eat less I drank more water. And guess what happened? Any rumblings of hunger that I was experiencing actually disappeared for a while.

Was amazing! If I felt hungry I drank a glass of water and I met.

Sometimes hunger is really not hungry at all.

2. you're eating the same things in the same amount as your spouse/significant other.

The best nutrition tip I can give you is this ...

Here's a little scenario for you:

Since I met my boyfriend 3 years ago, that is 6 ' 4 "and are 50-60 pounds heavier then I gained 14 pounds. That is about 5 pounds per year.

That is right, I-fitness professional and know everything, gained weight just dating.

What I started to realize is that eating food portions that are very similar to Scott. I don't need to eat the same amount of food as a 6 "4, 215-pound man does.

Although our levels of activity were identical, its food requirement is much higher then mine.

I have to start looking at what he wants and then eat less. There really is no good reason to pay him.

And chances are very good that you are doing something similar. If you are having trouble losing weight (or if you are gaining weight) take a look at what your husband or boyfriend is eating and make sure that you eat less. For now that is a good starting point.

The bottom line is this: you must begin to look within yourself to understand why do you eat so much. To have the body of your dreams, because we eat too much – period. So take a look inside and come up with a plan of action to turn things around.