Wine Nutrition Facts You Should Know Before You Drink It

Nutrition and health benefits of wine is a topic of much research around the world and the wine has been reported to come with a variety of health benefits. The wine is of different types of crushed grapes using various types of yeast, which is usually the alcohol content of 10-15 per cent per cent of fermentation produced.

Facts wines:
• Third President and founding father of the United States Thomas Jefferson had a passion for wine. The salary was $ 25,000 a year at the time, and spent $ 3000 on wine!

• Iran used to have a thriving wine industry that disappeared after the Islamic revolution of 1979. In Iran, a central theme of poetry for more than a thousand years is Mei Persian wine.

20 million hectares are used for planting grapes • worldwide.

• Partner as the world number grapes of cultivation of a fruit.

• Oldest Wine was ever Reviewed was 200 years ago.

• Red wines provide 55% of sales of wines in the restaurant.

• 1 ton of grapes produces 63 wine boxes.

Use food wine and health

• A glass of red wine contains small amounts of carbohydrates and protein, but without fat. Wine is not a good source of vitamins and minerals.

• Wine has a long history of use as an early form of drugs.

• Many long-term studies with large population concluded that most healthy people who drink moderately live regularly and more red wine.

• A glass of dry wine has 100 calories and a sweet dessert wine has about 230 calories. Wine or alcohol is not ideal for people who aim to lose weight.

• Most famous Advantage of wine is to protect or reduce the rate of heart disease. But be very careful ... This benefit is not for heavy drinkers, who tend to have an increased risk, while moderate drinkers have less: a J curve Association. Moderated means no more than two drinks for men and no more than one drink for women.

• Helps to relax and lower your blood pressure, a couple of glasses of wine, but more than four is the blood pressure to a level of concern raised.

• A new found use attributed to red wine wine-especially from cold, thanks to its antioxidant properties. After a one-year trial at five universities 4000 volunteers, people, more than two red glasses/day drinking had 44% fewer colds. The same advantage was not observed with beer and spirits.

• Non-alcoholic wine phytochemical Resveratrol has been shown to prevent blood clotting and plaque formation in the arteries of lipid profiles and change of plasma viscosity. Red wine contains resveratrol whitest of white. In the production of white wines, the skin is removed before fermentation white wine, giving a lower concentration of Resveratrol in red wine. Furthermore, the wines in colder climates have high amounts of Resveratrol.

• Resveratol may be used to treat potentially fatal inflammatory disease such as appendicitis, peritonitis and systemic sepsis, said a team of scientists from Scotland and Singapore. It works as an effective therapy for life-threatening infections.

• If you are consumed with food, wine, increases the body's absorption of iron.

What can real heavy drinking?

• Heavy drinking have a detrimental effect on the cellular process that created the bone tissue.

• Alcohol is a poison and can damage the cells. Studies have increased consumption of alcohol is associated with risk for various cancers such as breast, colon and stomach.

• Studies have shown that heavy drinkers who think, develop higher risk of heart disease and potentially fatal heart rhythm.

• In the short term effects of alcohol is impaired mental function, which can cause behavioral changes and memory disorders. Long-term effects of alcohol consumption may inhibit the development of new brain cells and increase the risk for the development of major depressive disorder.

• Drinking too much or too fast cause headaches, nausea, loss of control and evaluation.

• Excessive wine Drinking can cause liver damage.

Wine: glycemic index

There are mixed reviews about the GI value of red wine, but almost no carbohydrate digested, therefore has no effect on blood sugar levels and glycemic index value is 0 (zero). We must treat each alcoholic beverage as problematic food products, because alcohol itself de stabilization of red wine can blood sugar even if an exception.