Discover the benefits of incredible weight loss, how to prepare tofu better and how much you should eat to the full advantage of tofu-one of the amazing fat burning foods.
Tofu, commonly known as soybean tofu also has the perfect lunch was called. Tofu is called "cheese of Asia". They do this by grinding, in milk to make boiled soybeans. A kind, performed in calcium sulfate, a mineral, is making soy milk solid added. Tofu goes well in all possible meals, because it has a strong flavor of its own.
There are three types of tofu: tofu solid; Dense, silken tofu; soft tofu and steamed, which is especially good for vegetarians. Tofu was actually a popular vegetarian food for a long time. Recently, it has been adopted by consumers of the United States. Not too soon, either!
Tofu can be found in the dairy section of grocery supermarkets, health food stores and specialty shops every day.
The benefits of tofu for burning fat
In addition to low calorie, high protein and no cholesterol, tofu can lower the risk of heart disease. In fact, the tofu is an excellent source of protein, especially soy protein and also contains many other nutrients that are necessary for the preservation of health.
Studies on protein in tofu show that regular tofu cholesterol reduce the numbers up to 30% and numbers ranging from 35% to 40% lower LDL/bad cholesterol raise HDL/good cholesterol may help the food.
A serving of tofu has the 15% of the Omega-3 acid recommendation-fatty daily; Omega-3 fatty acids are a fabric that is usually abundant fish and has properties that benefit the heart. Fatty acid ingredients are good for your cholesterol along with blood clots to help properly.
Isoflavones work similar to estrogens in tofu ingredients. Can help women, symptoms of menopause and perimenopause. Estrogen works contained tofu to maintain this balance. Isoflavones are useful in maintaining proper hormone levels and in the fight against the loss of estrogen. A supply of female estrogen affects various conditions, such as breast cancer and gynecologic health and osteoporosis.
Isoflavones in tofu are important in the fight against prostate cancer. Studies have shown that tofu will slow the growth of prostate cancer and prevents, that the enlargement of the prostate gland in men.
Tofu in protein is essential for building muscle. High doses of copper, selenium and manganese containing these antioxidants provide protection for DNA against different types of cancer.
Tofu also contains a good amount of calcium. Football fights rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis, while it strengthens the bones.
You can eat tofu in your fat burning diet and maintain your normal weight, since it only contains about 70-100 calories, with powerful nutrients is plugged. Tofu is low in saturated fat, fewer calories and sodium, but has other advantages.
What's more, the digestion of tofu is especially easy.
Tofu preparation tips
If you do for tofu shop, make sure you have the freshest, but as sauer. Use the nose to give fresh evidence. Also check the ' use '-date printed on the package. Prepare for storage in the fridge by flushing the tofu and place it in a container of water. Is used within a few days of purchase.
A disadvantage of the kitchen with the tofu is that it tends to absorb the fat too easily.
There are some people who suffer from allergies to soy products, then you should consider this factor if you or a family member is known allergies to certain foods.
Strive, the tofu without using fat burning fat high protein tofu-cooking quality.
Solid tofu is thick and cut into cubes, then stir in stir fry, on prepared Grill, marinated, smoked, baked, grilled, turn into scrambled eggs or soups.
Ideal for recipes that call for a mixture of tofu is tofu, which is soft. Examples include protein smoothies, salad dressing or dessert cakes.
If it cooks stir-fry tofu or BBQ, want to use extra firm or fixed use variety.
Some ideas for using tofu in recipes is as follows: the fixed variety tofu in soy sauce with slices of fresh ginger mixture of pickling, then prepare a sauce with this mix with garlic, onions and fresh chopped chilli. Add the pieces of solid tofu with curry sauce, a Thai-dish
Do an imitation cheese cake bake by mixing tofu with melted chocolate. You can make a different kind of breakfast smoothie by blending Apple juice and fruit with the kind of soft tofu.
Stir regularly to tofu with reduced fat mayonnaise and diced celery for a plate of egg salad as a sandwich spread, without cholesterol. Cooked spinach and low-fat cottage cheese or tofu Parmesan added ordinary and then some stuff whole wheat lasagna noodles or pasta shells with this mixture.
Use larger pieces that can eat tofu with mushrooms, onions, herbs and eggs for breakfast.
Eating the right amount
One portion is 4 ounces, which is equivalent to 113 grams.