Eat More Fish To Make You More Brainy

Most people don't eat enough fish. When you think about it, it's really a shame. Instead of opting for a healthy and delicious salmon fillet, many Americans instead head to their nearest McDonald's to scarf down a hamburger or two with a massive portion of fries. It adds up to empty calories. The other fish head does a world of good for your body. In fact, if you take a look at the facts, to fish nutrition facts, you'll probably be amazed at how much fish is good for your health.

The fish is a key component of a heart healthy diet. The sad fact of the matter is that American culture does not have the habit of eating fish, which means that we don't get enough omega-3 fatty acids. Studies have shown that the Japanese, who eat an average of 100 grams of fish per day, actually have half as many heart attacks as their North American counterparts. Essential oils omega-3 from fish are more effective than anything you'd find in plants. A diet full of fish has been shown to not only prevent heart attacks, but also of Alzheimer's disease, kidney cancer and inhibits the formation of abnormal cells, reducing the risk of other cancers. In addition to this, fish has been found to improve circulation, reduce blood clots, optimize brain function, and is also essential to fetal brain development.

Further studies have shown that eating fish Boost intelligence in adolescent boys. Experts have found that 15 year old boys that incorporate fish in their regular diet, they scored better on intelligence tests when they reached 18 than those who do not eat fish.

Seafood nutrition facts speak for themselves. The fish are low in calories. A portion of one ounce of white fish typically contains about 30 calories. Fish are extremely high in protein and low in carbohydrates. They are low in sodium and high in vitamins D and they contain a considerable amount of mineral iodine, potassium, calcium, iron, selenium and phosphorus.

The benefits of eating fish far outweigh the theoretical risks, dealing with contaminants. Eating fish helps your heart. Helps the immune system. Help your brain, the list goes on. If you're still not convinced read more about seafood nutrition facts and try a nice, juicy slab of salmon fillet.