Low Carb Food List

Low carbohydrate diets are basically the weight loss programs that encourage you to eliminate foods with a high percentage of carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, yams and sugary foods and eating high protein foods rich in fiber in their place. A list of low carb foods is divided into red meat, fish, poultry, soybeans and dairy products, whole foods, healthy fats and vegetables oils, fruits with low sugar content and a variety of vegetables. The reasons you lose weight when subjected to a diet low in carbohydrates are burning glycogen stores that makes you lose water weight in your body, loss of apetite, intakes of lower calories and more time for digestion due to assumptions of higher protein and fat.

These diets originated in the Paleolithic when primitive humans hunted for their food and then eat protein-caloric food mainly, making them more muscular and physically more powerful than humans from these modern times.

Due to intensive research on early humans, modern humans and their nutrition and lifestyles, many doctors of this century have published books on diets that involve taking low in carbohydrates. Low-carb diets have been around for a long time, but became prevalent in 1990 when the Atkins diet, a kind of a low-Glycemic diet which recommends an intake of 1500-2000 calories per day, has become controversial in the press. Other low-carbohydrate diets include the famous zone diet that focuses on hormonal balance, diet go counting net carbohydrates only with no counting of calories, eat the Neanderthin that relies on what the cavemen, on South Beach that focuses on low-carbohydrate and low fat intakes, protein power by focusing on eating more protein and less carbohydrates Sugar Busters, which prevents sugar intake to stop producing insulin and carbohydrate addicts that strictly prohibits taking too many carbohydrates.

Having to follow a program like those mentioned above, can provide temporary results permanent results, depending on how strict your diet is observed as in most programs. Many books and websites targeted at diet offer a list of low carb foods and low carb recipes and menus that you could follow each day of your life.

If you have any questions about the effectiveness of programs that involve plans to low-carbohydrate diet, you should definitely try one that best fits your body. Remember to always check with your doctor before you get used to any diet plan and seek medical help when experiencing abnormal changes with your body.