10 Simple Little Things You Can Do Every Day to Boost Your Health

Among work, kids, social activities, and lots of other obligations, finding enough time to practice healthy habits can often go by the wayside. But you don’t need a gym or tons of spare time to live healthy, you just need to modify and improve upon things you already do. Use these simple tricks to start living a healthier lifestyle today.

Pre-Plan Your Meals

Planning and preparing your meals for the workday will help you skip vending-machine temptation and follow a healthier diet.

If you like to snack between meals, make sure to prepack snacks such as veggie sticks, fruit, or nuts and keep them in your fridge or purse so they’re ready to grab when hunger strikes.

Take Your Vitamin

Take a multivitamin every day to make sure you’re getting the proper amount of nutrients as a complement to a healthy, balanced diet. Put the bottle on your kitchen counter, on your nightstand, or in your purse – somewhere where you’ll remember to pop one in daily.

Walk More

Walking is a simple and effective way to get in shape when you’re too busy to fit in a workout. Swap out the escalator or elevator for the stairs on your morning commute, take a 20-minute break at work during lunch to walk outside or around the office, and try to get most of your errands done by walking if you can. Adding more walking to your daily routine will help you step your way to a healthier heart, mind, and body.

Don’t Let Your Mood Determine Your Food

It’s really easy to reach for that stale doughnut leftover from the company breakfast at 3 p.m. when you’re stressed and just want something sweet to get you through the rest of the day, but it’s important to fight that urge. Eating unhealthy comfort foods may make you feel better in the short term, but will set you up later to feel equally as stressed on top of the guilt you'll feel for giving into your craving. If you know you’ll want something sweet during the second half of you day, opt for fruit, Greek yogurt drizzled with honey, or a small square of dark chocolate to satisfy your sweet tooth and keep you energized.

Stand Up!

Sitting all day can be hazardous to your health, so try to stand up in short but frequent increments of time throughout the day at work to wake you up, get your blood flowing, and keep you healthy.

Drink Water

Make a conscious effort to drink a good amount of water every day. Skimping can lead to dehydration and even fatigue. Plus, being dehydrated can mask itself as hunger, causing you to reach for that bag of potato chips when really you just need a glass of water. If you’re not a big fan of plain water, put some fruit in it for more flavor and nutrients or opt for sparking water or club soda for a zero-calorie carbonated drink.

Control Your Portions

How much you eat is just as important as what you eat. The key to a healthy diet is eating in moderation, and meal planning ahead of time will help you with that. Trick your mind by using a smaller plate to serve your food on so it looks like a lot of food without going over the correct portion size. As a general rule of thumb, there should be more veggies and fruit on your plate than starches and meat.

Squeeze in Exercise While Watching TV

Even if you can’t make it to the gym, you can exercise during your nightly TV show. During commercial breaks stand up and do some light squats, lunges, or bicep curls and crunches to strengthen your body.

Learn How to Relax

Some stress is good, but too much of it can take a toll on your health. Stay balanced and try to take 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime to fit some personal time in. Read a book, meditate, or take a bath to unwind at the end of a busy day. Even if you can only fit in 10 minutes for this, it’s better than nothing.

Set a Bedtime

Sleep is a key component of health. No matter how busy your schedule is, you need to make sure you’re getting seven to eight hours of sleep a night. Make sure you turn off all electronics at least one hour before bed and try your best to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every morning, even on weekends—your body will thank you.