Natural Alternatives for Everyday Health Problems

Naturopathic doctor Michael Murray emphasizes prevention and the self-healing process through the use of natural therapies. Learn how to treat chronic everyday health conditions that can be fixed by changes in diet, lifestyle, and attitude. Get the natural remedies to most prescriptions and over-the-counter medicine!

Swap Acetaminophen for Ginger to Soothe Pain

Fresh ginger contains compounds and enzymes that fight inflammation. In most cases of pain, it is a result of inflammation. Acetaminophen has little anti-inflammatory action; it just blocks the feelings of pain. Ginger goes right to the source. Those with significant pain or inflammation should try taking it three times per day. The recommended dosage is about 1/4 to 1/2 inch of the root. You can take it as a shot, or even mix it with sparkling water to make fresh unsweetened ginger ale.

Trade Sleeping Pills for Passionflower Tea

Passionflower tea was used by ancient Aztecs and in World War II as it was known as “truth serum” because it’s a natural sedative! We now know that the beneficial effects in improving sleep are related to its combination of chemical compounds that have a calming effect. Drink it an hour before going to bed. Use two tea bags for a stronger effect.

Calm Indigestion With Lemon Peels
A component in lemon peels, d-limonene, quickly fights the painful symptoms of indigestion with long-lasting effects. One study shows that approximately 90 percent of the participants involved reported complete resolution of their heartburn symptoms just two weeks after consuming d-limonene. Squeeze out the juice and eat a quarter of a wedge before meals.