Amazing Clementine Nutrition Facts And Health Benefits


A Clementine is often thought of as only a small Orange, but are like no other. According to the USDA are a cross between a Tangerine and an orange Chinese, and are rich in nutritional benefits. Clementines are smaller than an orange and have a much thinner flesh that is a deeper orange color. They make a great snack, and children are especially fond of them.

Vitamin C

A Clementine contains 36 milligrams of vitamin c. For a child up to 8 years of age, with an RDA of 15 to 25 milligrams of vitamin C, able to meet the recommended daily allowance. For a child of 9 years of age to 18, with an RDA of 45 to 75 milligrams, two Clementines could satisfy the needs of the body and provide more than two thirds of the adult requirement.
According to researchers at the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon, vitamin C is needed for the production of collagen, which is a structural compound throughout the body, from skin to bone. Help fat transport to cells to convert it into energy and also helps convert cholesterol into bile, which can play a role in protection from disease and gallstones. Since humans do not produce their own vitamin C within the body, we need to consume it from an external source.


Clementine also contain 22 milligrams of calcium, which is needed for muscle contraction and bone growth. While this is only a small percentage of the RDA for adults (1000-1300 milligrams) and children (500 milligrams), is a vital mineral and eating a clementine can help achieve the RDA of calcium.


A Clementine contains 131 milligrams of potassium, which is another essential element for a healthy body. The American Heart Association says that potassium maintains the body's water balance between cells and body fluids, helps just as calcium is muscular contraction and helps to lower blood pressure. Eat a well-balanced diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables, along with clementine, will provide adequate intake of potassium.

Other benefits

Clementines nutritional benefits don't stop there. Contain only 35 calories and 8 grams of carbohydrates. They also contain 1.3 grams of fiber, which keeps the correct digestion and aids with weight loss.