Fruit diet (diet Hollywood)

The diet of fruit (also known as the California diet, diet or diet Hollywood California)inspired a food advertised especially fashion a few years ago and, according to supporters, particularly in vogue among the actors and actresses in American film(hence the name).

There are various descriptions of the diet of fruit, some even very confusing: several sites on the net the confused with Miami, but diet what does California with Florida?The only thing they have in common is the sea ...

In the best-known and restrictive version, the Hollywood diet involves consuming grapefruit and grapefruit juice for 48 hours, with no other food (the juice can also be diluted in water!).

The intent of the proponents, the grapefruit helps burn fat and fruit intake alone makes it to detoxify the body and restore "biochemical balance of tissues" (?).

In more permissive grapefruit with the fruits and vegetables generally, excluding all other foods.

There is a version more acceptable where, next to the fruit, you can consume mostly protein foods, such as eggs and milk (in very little quantity, for example an egg a day or one cup of milk). In any case variants of the diet are low-calorie, not strongly coming, even the most "rich", to 800 kcal per day; However the calorie calculation is not done explicitly, as it will not weigh foods and indications are very vague.

What promises the fruit diet

The fruit diet promises to lose 3-4 kg in 48 hours, then a diet like you lose X pounds in Y days; It is therefore devoid of scientific basis, promising a weight loss rate regardless of the initial conditions of the subject. For this reason, the diet is also called Hollywood48 Hour Miracle Diet.

Being a diet proposal-fastener, it poses the problem of maintaining. Continue the diet for a longer period of time is not advisable, given the many negative points which we will list in the next paragraph.

Fruit diet: negative points

the diet I yielded negative points, as mentioned, are many; fruit diet, in fact, do not save virtually nothing, being a restrictive diet completely unbalanced, lacking any scientific basis.

Among the main negative points is the wrong distribution of macro nutrients. Even in versions that I predict small protein-lipid intake, diet is pretty much biased in favor of carbohydrates in fruit and vegetables, not to mention the basic version that include sonly the grapefruit (!). In fact, the Hollywood diet daemonized all foods except fruit.

Surely such a diet does not transmit a food consciousness; Indeed, the message that the fruit diet transmits not only is far from proposing a food consciousness, but relies on very dangerous hypothesis: the fruit doesn't get fat, you can lose weight quickly in no time at all, just an effort of 48 hours and kg go!

Also striving, you cannot find the strengths of this diet, if not the fact that promotes the consumption of fruit, often unpopular, especially among the young; Remember, however, that the consumption of fruit is recommended in many other diets, is hardly a novelty.

Fruit diet and exercise

In General, the diet of fruit does not pay attention to exercise as an integral part of the diet. Moreover, being a particularly restrictive diet, it is almost impossible to match it to the practice of any sport.

The problem however is not very relevant, because a diet proposal on just two days, so it makes no sense to ask whether it is reconcilable with a maintenance period and with the sport.

In short, the Hollywood diet is a diet you don't absolutely take into account; is strongly biased and illusion that you can fix it "best weight" with a time-limited effort (48hours!).

Fruit diets: the many proposals

If the diet is the diet of fruit "by definition, there are many diets that are based, in large part, on the consumption of fruit; an example is the so-called God's diet (also known as the Daniel fast as it refers to the history of the Prophet Daniel who had refused food and drink that had been offered by the King of Babylon); is a diet that is an assumption, for three weeks, fruit, whole grains and vegetables; completely excluded from the diet are meat, fish, bread, dairy products, processed foods, sugary ones etc.;another scheme which gives paramount importance to fruit is the Beverly Hills diet,the creation of Judy Mazel.

Other versions of fruit diet are "lightning" (i.e. have a duration of a few days), more or less bizarre which, although based almost entirely on the consumption of fruit, also allow other types of foods, although in very limited quantities.