The 7 Benefits of Peach

Let's face it, the peaches are a godsend. The fruit of fishing, from a little rough skin feature is not only rich in taste: also has many properties that make it beneficial to the body from many points of view. If it still is not present in your diet, the benefits that you will present now will convince you to put it in the first place!

1. Help fight obesity
In the category of stone fruit, along with apricots, plums and cherries, fishing can ward off weight gain and therefore were of more or less serious obesity: it contains bioactive compounds and fenolinici fighting obesity and inflammatory conditions. Due to their antioxidant properties, these compounds react with free radicals harmful to human health and therefore can contribute along with other foods to fight diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

2. They are rich in vitamins
Peaches contain vitamins A, B, C, E, and K: contribute to improve eyesight, strengthen our immune system (C), are antioxidants and protect the red blood cells (and) play a decisive role in the process of blood clotting (K); Finally, with vitamin B, fishing is essential for control of metabolism and for the health of our cells.

3. Improve your eyesight
Not everyone is a fan of carrots and vegetables. Although we recommend that you include these foods in their diet, as would any nutritionist, peaches can be a viable-and tastier alternative for those who have some problem at the sight; fishing, like all other stone fruits, is rich in beta carotene, which is the precursor of vitamin A, which is known, plays a role for proper blood circulation, contribute accordingly to the health of our eyes, preventing infections.

4. They are rich in potassium
Each contains about 285 fishing micrograms of potassium: or about 14% of the recommended amount of potassium.
Potassium is a mineral necessary for proper cell function, tissues, and organs. Contruibuisce to the proper functioning of involuntary muscles, including the heart, and balance of body fluids, thereby preventing hypertension, as well as States of heart failure, and kidney stones.

5. They are perfect for pregnant women!
Peaches, for the luck of all expectant mothers are not banned during the period of pregnancy: indeed, since properties described here make them particularly suitable for the child's growth!

6. Also preserved peaches can be healthy!
Although certainly preserved peaches have a higher sugar level, they have an even amount of vitamin C greater than that contained in the fresh peaches. Of course we do not recommend excessive consumption of canned peaches, but if you want to sometimes take the whim, without exaggeration, you can be sure you're not hurting your body!

7. They are anti-cancer
Finally, the fishing, thanks to its antioxidant properties, vitamins C and E, phenolic compounds, can prevent cancer and fight cangerogene cells; in particular can offer help against breast cancer.
Of course peaches cannot represent a real cure, but it is certain that a good daily amount of peaches, as well as many other healthy foods, contributes to the overall health of the body and can thus prevent the formation of cancer cells.