Yogurt for Breakfast for an Energetic Start

A good breakfast helps to face the day with the right energy. Work, study and other daily tasks require concentration, efficiency and physical endurance. For this reason, it is important not to overlook what nutritionists consider the main meal.

The Italian breakfast is the most comprehensive because it provides a balanced combination of carbohydrates and proteins. Has little fat and is rich in calcium, which assume drinking milk. Who is lactose intolerant, can replace the milk with yogurt.

The benefits of yogurt are numerous. The first of which is to regulate the bowel. The lactic acid in yogurt are renewing the intestinal flora and leave nuisances such as colitis, constipation and diarrhea. Yogurt also promotes the absorption of calcium.

Those who need to follow a weight loss diet or prefer not to hire anyway, fats can choose 0% fat yogurt Vitasnella. A healthy and tasty product that we find in fruit pieces, velvety, 5 cereals, with football. Whatever you choose, each jar is a source of wellbeing for our body.

Yogurt contains not only the valuable milk ferments, about 2 million in 100 grams of product, but also other essential elements. Proteins are approximately 4 grams per 100 of product and a similar amount for carbohydrates. Another key element of yogurt is made from vitamins. In yogurt are vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12. Vitamin A is important, among other things, for the growth of bones and teeth, strengthens the immune system, protects the skin and improves the view.

The B vitamins are also useful for the proper functioning of the liver, intestine and kidneys. Yogurt is the vitamin C and vitamin j. latter, also called colina, is a cellular antioxidant.

Yogurt, beyond football there are minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, selenium, iron.

All these elements make it an ideal product to be included in breakfast. To finish we can eat toast with jam, cookies or a croissant. Or enjoy seasonal fruit or drink a great juice.