11 Reasons You Should Eat Mushrooms!

During the cold season the mushrooms become real stars of the kitchen, from risotto to smooth through pies and side dishes. But not everyone knows that this delicious ingredient is considered, in many cultures, a real miracle food. Thanks to its high content in vitamins, fiber and antioxidants, the mushrooms have a lot to offer to our body and our health. Here's everything you need to know about the benefits of mushrooms.

Mushrooms are vegetables? Where and how much can be nutrients these little guys? Most people think, erroneously, as mushrooms and vegetables don't realize how they can be useful to our body. Let's start from the beginning: mushrooms are not vegetables. Unlike the fresh food we eat mushrooms do not need sunlight to grow. In fact, the fruit of the so-called real fungi that grow underground. And you know what I love the most? The humidity!

From white ones, brown ones from chanterelles mushrooms, there are so many varieties that can be used within items are all equally delicious.

Here's some trivia:
  • Consist of 92 percent water
  • science says that satiate more fruit and vegetables
  • Have ZERO fat
  • they have a high content of vitamins and minerals

1. They can help you lose weight

If you're trying to cut calories in your diet, without the fear of being hungry all day, the mushrooms are a great solution.

Edible mushrooms are low in calories and can be helpful for weight loss or during the maintenance phase. 100 g mushrooms provide only 40 calories and are also a rich source of many nutrients.

In addition, because of their meaty texture, are also a good alternative to meat. But beware! Don't overdo it with butter and oil: mushrooms are like sponges and they absorb everything.

2. Are an excellent source of selenium

The mushrooms are great not just to lose weight, they are fabulous for skin, hair and nails. All of the mineral for beauty: selenium.

mushrooms are one of the best vegetable sources of the mineral selenium, useful for maintaining healthy hair and nails, as well as supporting the production of thyroid hormones that control metabolism.

Selenium is also a great help to keep the skin bright, protecting quality and elasticity, but don't take too much or could be harmful. The best way to get Selenium is through a healthy diet and eating lots of mushrooms, of course.

3. Improves sperm quality

Are you trying to have a baby? Add some mushrooms in your Companion's diet! Mushrooms are a source of zinc and selenium, two minerals that are very important to make healthy sperm.

If you are already pregnant? You're still in luck! Waiting women need folate, often lacking. Your best bet is to eat foods rich in this substance, including mushrooms.

4. Help to boost the immune system

Winter has now arrived and, with him, including colds, sore throats and seasonal ailments. Even in this case mushrooms can come in handy, thanks to beta-glucans are contained within them, they can help to strengthen the immune system.

Shiitake mushrooms, although they are a bit hard to find, are the best to give effective help to the immune system. Just a sprinkling of sesame seeds, a little minced garlic and a dash of soy sauce to get a delicious and healthy.

5. Are an excellent source of vitamin D

Vitamin D is vital to our immune system, helps our bodies absorb calcium, thus helping to make strong bones and teeth. But if the mushrooms grow underground such as rich in vitamin D? The answer is simple.

Remember: mushrooms are veritable sponges! Simply clean them and put them in the Sun for about thirty armed between 10 and 15, during the spring and summer. In this way all absorb Vitamin D from the Sun directly.

6. Are perfect for the intestines

If your diet is low in fiber, it is easy to feel pretty lousy. Constipation, weight gain and fatigue are just some of the symptoms that you can accuse because lack of fiber. But if you are a lover of mushrooms you don't have to worry about all this.

Mushrooms are a good source of fiber, especially soluble ones. Eat soluble fiber, will also increase the number of good bacteria in your gut. Also provide some nutrients (vitamins B and K), which held off harmful bacteria and their by-products, derived from their own action to help you maintain low cholesterol levels, better managing blood sugar levels (thus reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes).

Think of mushrooms as a natural alternative of probiotics!

7. Are popular compressed as "miracle food"

For thousands of years the mushrooms were praised for their benefits in relation to health. The so-called "medicinal mushrooms like reishi, maitake and Shiitake mushrooms have been used, especially in China, for many years just for their healing properties.

Were used in traditional medicine, liver support, thanks to their ability to lower blood pressure, help the lungs and, of course, to strengthen the immune system.

You can take advantage of these benefits by taking the mushrooms under various forms, such as Reishi Mushroom Tea, which is known to significantly enhance the overall well-being of our body, in a few months!

8. Help decrease cholesterol

When it comes to heart health, you can enlist the help of Shiitake Mushrooms. These, in fact, contain a unique substance called eritadenine, helps heart health, in addition to containing beta-glucans, phytosterols and much more.

To not miss the magnificent properties of shiitake mushrooms is critical: don't wash them. Simply wipe it with a damp cloth, so that these are filled with water and turned into mush.

9. Are rich in antioxidants

When it comes to healthy food, we love mention antioxidants. You will be so happy to know that fungi are major sources of Rails, many more antioxidants than other kinds of vegetables.

Antioxidants protect cells goddess the damage caused by oxygen molecules, called free radicals. Radicals affect negatively the process of aging and diseases such as heart disease and some cancers.

10. Give a boost to your energy

You always feel tired and out of sorts? Find the spark of life thanks to the mushrooms!

Eating mushrooms is probably the last thing you think of is since when you feel exhausted and looking for some energy, they are actually a source of all B vitamins, which help pave our body produce energy.

11. Enrich the vegetarian dishes

If you're vegan or vegetarian, you know that you can risk having a deficiency of vitamin B12, which is found primarily in animal products. For this reason, eat mushrooms is a brilliant choice!

In addition to containing zinc and selenium, usually found in foods of animal origin, the meaty texture of the mushrooms will allow you to give a twist to vegetarian dishes, increasing the feeling of satiety.