Foods Against Depression, Is It Possible?

Strange but true: there are cases where the symptoms of depression are related, directly or indirectly, to nutritional deficiencies in our diet, increasingly characterized by a massive presence of empty carbs, caffeine and sugar, and low in vitamins and minerals.

Depression, mood swings and fatigue often have a common cause: poor nutrition.

How to prevent depression? With diet anti depression, one of the best natural remedies for depression.

Not all doctors will tell you to start from a healthy diet and, in short, a custom anti depression diet, rich in these foods that provide essential nutrients to the brain:

Fish oils: are critical because they contain omega-3 fatty acids. It has been shown that depressed people often lack a fatty acid known as EPA, and taking even a few grams of fish oil each day there is a 50 percent decrease in symptoms such as anxiety, sleep disorders, unexplained feelings of sadness, deeply pessimistic thoughts.

In addition, the Omega-3 can also lower cholesterol and improve cardiovascular health. Omega 3 are contained also in walnuts, flax seeds and sunflower seeds and fatty fish like salmon or tuna.

Rice: Contains vitamins B1 and B3, folic acid and other nutrients are poor depressives.

In addition to losing weight, the rice is essential in the diet anti depression. Brown rice is also a food with a low glycaemic index, which means that releases blood glucose gradually, preventing sugar lows and mood swings.

Rice also provides many of the minerals that we need, in addition to containing a high content of dietary fibre are useful to the body. You can take a good amount of folic acid through the lentils and many types of vegetables, and seeds.

Yeast: contains vitamins B1, B2 and B3 but not only: this "superfood" encompasses a wide range of vitamins and minerals in a minimal dose, including 16 amino acids and minerals 14. Amino acids in particular are of vital importance to the nervous system, making yeast an irreplaceable element into diet anti depression.

Cabbage: Contains vitamin C and folic acid, which we discussed just above. Cabbage protects against stress, but it is also useful against infections and heart disease, as well as being a good ally in the prevention of many types of cancer.