KFC Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

From the day was known for the Canadian consumer KFC double chicken sandwich created a stir. It is obvious that this sandwich is considered at all healthy, earned it so much flack?

The new double down sandwich is successfully marketed in the United States and has been launched for consumers in Canada in the life. In fact sales of double down rocketed 2010, earning a spot as one of the most successful new sandwiches in KFC history, more than $ 10 million for sale value in the first 30 days after its launch. There were some concerns the management of KFC to double down on their customers in Canada as would sell well. In addition to sales officials feared, that Canada, which is a very "health-conscious", could see some resistance on the part of the Government, and that it may not be as fast as in the United States was accepted by consumers. But KFC finally decided to publish time to the answer by actual customers taking double down "limited time" to give the consumer market as a Canadian special sandwich of 30 days. So embrace the big question is-Canadians the double down, like in America? The best word to describe it is: phenomenal.

The double down: how unhealthy is?

Margarett best, Minister of health promotion of Canada stated that the Government of KFC would sell "trying to work over" double chicken sandwich because largely on concerns about as recommended by Health Canada day dose of 1500 mg of sodium, however he withdraw this comment later say that Canadian consumer eating habits without the influence of the Government should be reserved. This response makes you think.

How much weight should consume the Canadians the Government as regards the influence of food be given?

While health down, but nuts always looking for a way to fast food as the double compared this a sandwich on other elements such as the Whopper from Burger King or McDonalds Big Mac no less revealing, is to criticize. It seems that many government agencies are still in great demand, food for the consumer rules. In many cases they try, this unhealthy eating habits are available in an effort to restrict the improvement of the health of its citizens. Not only do they have some companies, school canteens and other facilities, led to healthy alternatives, but they also try to limit calories snacks available in vending machines around campus. Some schools allow teachers to candy for Halloween or Valentine's day students do not. Think that this will work.

Do you think that these restrictions and regulations are creating a healthier generation?

Do you really think that the prohibition of the double down sandwich at KFC would eliminate overweight? The answer is much clearer than some would think. While some people who lack off training to know what diet and what is unhealthy, they make up a small percentage of the population. Blame Fast Food restaurants or canteens for obesity and health problems is ridiculous. With freedom comes the ability choose, and while some bad decisions, it is still the right to vote. The Government can't walk around and feel things don't ban healthy, because it goes right down it, too much of saleable-healthy diet is not healthy. So, what can we do to solve these problems? Our best bet is to invest in training

People need to understand then with family and friends to share more about the production of healthy food choices and information. Description of the appearance of a healthy person to begin to learn learn and then try another good is the behaviors that make a person healthier. No one should consume a double down sandwich on a daily basis, but nobody's going to kill you. Food should be approached balanced with the realization, it's fine to eat unhealthy foods in small quantities occasionally. You can try the double down sandwich or any other fast-food product that captures your attention, but you do it every day.

Will the KFC Double Down Stay on the Menu?

More than 350,000 double chicken sandwich KFC were just the first 2 weeks, better than expected to sell purchased in Canada. You can not judge, total State of country of their consumption of fast food, but these data show that Canadians are just as Americans are no matter how healthy, it would have us believe, that they are greedy. Due to its popularity, it is very likely that double down from KFC Canada menu for