How to keep your immune system strong

There is nothing more frustrating or worse shortly before an event, sick, or if you are in the middle of a generation of education. Moderate levels of exercise or exercise good for your health and your immune system can improve, extend, can kind of strength training or intensive training dampen the immune system and often prone to colds and Flus be more endurance athletes.

The main task of the immune system, consisting of several types of cells, which together are called white blood cells, is to recognize, and anything alien to get rid of the body, then passes to prevent the infection.

Longer endurance training, high intensity can reduce the immune system stronger. This is largely due to two hormones cortisol and epinephrine, or adrenaline, released into the bloodstream by the adrenal gland emphasised, that the body in this way. These hormones, you can perform above physical activity, but unfortunately, they reduce the effectiveness of white blood cells, which reduce the effectiveness of the immune system. As the athletes, the more intense or prolonged exercise or training to perform more often are prone to colds and Flus, especially if the education in duration and intensity increases, and therefore important for athletes its best to do it is to keep a strong immune system.

In addition, avoid close contact with people, the sick, frequent hand-washing, adequate rest and recovery, here are my best diet tips to keep a strong immune system of this winter season:
  1. Fuel your workout accordingly. Enjoy regular meals, balanced with foods from each of the groups of food, with the aim to satisfy your individual needs for calories, carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats. It is particularly important not to carbohydrates, in the winter healthy to skimp. It is important to ensure a sufficient intake of healthy carbohydrates, especially in the form of vegetables, fruit, dairy products, nuts/seeds, before, during and after your workout. In fact, dietary carbohydrate is important source of energy for muscle cells and immune system.
  2. Avoid excessively restrict the overall caloric intake. The total daily intake to restrict, if increases in intensity and duration of training caused more stress hormones are released, which in turn weakens the immune system.
  3. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which are important for a strong immune system to maintain. Point two is fruit every day and be sure to enjoy at least half; a dish worth of salad vegetables / low thickness for lunch and dinner You make your plate colorful as possible enjoy the nutritional benefits of a variety of fruits and vegetables daily.
  4. Fight inflammation caused by intensive training, extended with foods that are anti-inflammatory. Food, to combat the inflammation are blueberries, dark green leafy vegetables, colorful fruits and vegetables (which are full of antioxidants), salmon and turmeric to just a few to name.
  5. In particular, healthy fats are Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet plan. A way to order your Omega-3 fatty acids is to have fatty fish such as salmon, at least twice a week at lunch or dinner. Other foods, healthy fats are avocados and nuts, especially walnuts and almonds.
  6. Ensure an adequate intake of protein. Endurance athletes have increased protein requirements. For the proper recovery and adaptation of the muscle after exercise - aims to have 15-25 grams of protein within 30-60 minutes after your workout. Also should include some protein for each meal and snack. Good sources of protein are chicken without skin, fish, eggs, lentils and legumes, nuts, dairy products, lean meat.
  7. Adequate intake of fluid to prevent dehydration and to keep, to ensure the optimal functioning of the body.
  8. Add probiotics (through food or supplements such as health plus internal) in the diet, as this good improve health and immunity. Natural, include probiotic food sources of Greek plain yogurt and fermented foods like Kombucha, kefir and sauerkraut.
  9. Consider a multivitamin and mineral supplement as a "Super Green and Red" food multi vitamin powder (from Prahran health food available). Add water, juice or a smoothie. This supplement contains anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals, and also if should not substitute for a healthy and nutritious diet can help plan, balanced, fill your settings to ensure that you always maintain the nutrients that the body needs to a strong immune system during the season or during the compilation of the Ironman.

An unhealthy diet and severe occupational stress can have a negative effect on the immune system. Enjoy a healthy, balanced diet plan with foods from all food groups, ensure an adequate intake of vitamins and minerals, prevent deficiencies, is the key to maintaining a strong immune system during the winter season. Nobody wants sick especially when training for an upcoming race - a healthy, balanced diet is your ticket to prevent colds and Flus last winter.