Pregnancy Nutrition Guidelines For A Healthy Pregnancy

Pregnancy diet guidelines are necessary for pregnant women. It is true that during that time you only need 300 extra calories per day. However, you should not empty calories. Nutrition is the key word here.

Read on and know the exact nutrition during pregnancy, you need. It is not difficult, also follow a balanced vegetarian diet nutrition during pregnancy.


After the pregnancy nutritional guidelines that physicians are ready, the calcium intake at this time must be in the range of 1200-1500 mg per day. Calcium is essential for healthy growth and development of bones, muscles, heart and teeth for your baby. If you take not enough calcium, your child will use reserves your football. This increases the risk of osteoporosis in friends.

Pregnancy Nutrition chart should include milk and its products. There are dairy products, lactose-free butter milk, soy milk or yogurt for grown women who are lactose intolerant. If that doesn't work, the doctor questions for calcium supplements.


During pregnancy, you need every day about 60 grams of protein, for the healthy growth of your baby. Also, keep the placenta, uterus and breasts in a healthy state; Increases the volume of blood and generates enough amniotic fluid.


After the pregnancy nutritional guidelines is important for the production of hemoglobin in the mum to be and her fetus. Also, take your baby in the last quarter, the reserves of your body's iron for anemia in the first six months of life, which is to keep under control. Also, you lose a certain amount of blood during childbirth. For all these reasons, it is crucial to increase logging.

The body needs every day just 27 mg iron, but doesn't have to take 60 mg, all recorded in iron is absorbed in the body. If found to be anemic, is taking it well, pregnancy, sports nutrition.

One of the tricks to absorb iron better take with fortified foods by vitamin c. tomato juice, orange juice or grapefruit juice are good options. Avoid milk, cheese or other foods as well as calcium-enriched calcium prevents iron absorption.


Pregnancy diet guidelines recommend an increase of 25-50% absorption of vitamins. The requirement of folic acid doubled to 400 micrograms per day at that time. Eat a variety of foods in your diet pregnancy leads to complete the request with the vitamin.

Even if you think that you are taking a nutritious diet during pregnancy, it is important to look at pregnancy nutritional guidelines and relevant articles and books to read.