Asparagus Nutrition Facts: All You Need To Know About An Amazing Vegetable

Asparagus are not an incredibly important vegetables is so widespread as others, who have a lower nutritional value. In modern times we live in, we place our hands our hearts desires each vegetable, so can achieve a more distracted in particular a higher nutritional value of the food we eat, the food and a better tasting meal.

The appearance of the whole plant is that asparagus asparagus is sprouts that originate from the underground Crown for many of us, unknown, we know that usually the peak of "Sticks". The plant blooms in the spring, but is available in Western markets throughout the year. Interesting is that the oldest Cookbook are discovered so far are to be found. Although it is mentioned in a cookbook, asparagus could be eaten raw. If you choose to cook it, asparagus will keep its natural flavour in many types of cooking methods. You steam, bake, FRY and FRY that can. All these created when you correctly, a large bowl.

Asparagus nutritional values

Great part of the immune system, the disease is to as the Orange, who teaches leading asparagus vegetables vitamin c. going to our nature, which helps fight and is strongly recommended for those of us, have a sensitive body and tend to get sick. Asparagus is also with high doses of vitamin k. This vitamin is essential for clotting in our bodies and our bone structure. Current studies on vitamin K are good signals to be beneficial for the prevention of Alzheimer's. Further research has shown that this vitamin, cancer prevention help.

Asparagus also contains vitamins B1 and B2. These vitamins are essential for the activity of the brain and nervous system and brain function effects lacks dramatically these vitamins and puts at risk of brain damage. The lack of vitamin B1, which is known as thiamin can lead to beriberi, weight loss and confusion. Vitamin B2, which is known as riboflavin, is also very important, and is necessary for many of our bodies cellular processes.

Asparagus is good for weight loss, because it brings a very low level of calories at the same time rich in nutrients. If we introduce in our digestion, it is known that easily digestible and our body receives therefore opportunities, various vitamins, to record something, not to be taken lightly. Many other vegetables contain large amounts of nutrients that are not through a difficult digestion process available. Eating means that we put in our bodies vitamins, but these vitamins only a absorbed crossings. The asparagus can take up the nutrients, which provides. It also helps our bowel movements, so it helps all of us, that efficiently digest food.

Discover the benefits of weight loss of asparagus, how to prepare better and how much you should eat to the full advantage of asparagus-one of the amazing fat burning foods.

Asparagus is a plant that is native to Eurasia, but is considered a rare treat since the days of the Roman Empire. It is a vegetable with a green color, a spear and a head with green shoots. You can eat every part of the asparagus spear.

Asparagus can be purchased all year round and is available in three different varieties: white (most popular), green and purple. You know the fact that grows without the need for white asparagus of sunlight? It is almost impossible to find the purple variant in the United States. It is not available in U.S. supermarkets, but is available in Europe.

Asparagus is grown in California and Washington, the two States in the United States and is cultivated in Mexico and Chile. These last two countries export in the United States, which ensures that the vegetables is available most of the time to produce.

Advantages of burning fat asparagus

Asparagus is an excellent food source of folic acid, vitamin C and potassium. Folic acid functions are in support of amino acid metabolism, DNA synthesis, production and repair of white blood cells and red. Research shows that folic acid may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

Vitamin C is useful in your body to get rid of infections and stimulates the metabolism, which can burn more fat.

Potassium helps regulate blood pressure and is useful to maintain proper fluid balance in your body.

The vegetable has only a few calories, contains zero fat and cholesterol, and sodium content is very minute. There is also copious amounts of rutin, a substance must strengthen the capillary walls in the body is responsible for. In addition, asparagus is an important food source for vitamin B-6 and thiamine.

Researchers believe stimulates the immune system and is useful to lower levels of cholesterol in the body. In addition, it contains a good amount of vitamin e.

Inulin of asparagus, a carbohydrate that is not digested by the body, but rather is used by the body, found to nourish healthy bacteria in the gut. This keeps the intestinal tract and keeps unhealthy bacteria-free.

Asparagus root has called steroidal glycosides, connections that may be able to help fight inflammation in your body. Chinese herbal experts advise asparagus root in their remedies for the treatment of arthritis.

Asparagus has Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), a natural diuretic, which is a crucial factor when you try to burn body fat. These help beneficial bacteria colonize the colon.

Aspargine is an alkaloid found in asparagus, which helps stimulate the kidneys, as it improves the blood circulation. The alkaloid helps to loosen the fat cells, because of its ability for the degradation of oxalic acid. When the acid breaks down, the fat from cells is unraveled.

The daily requirement of vitamin c half cup of cooked asparagus has about 25% of the daily requirement of folic acid and more than 80%.

In addition, the asparagus has healthy phytonutrients, natural plant source that helps protect the overall health of the body.

Prepare asparagus

Asparagus is a great food to integrate in each dish. It tastes delicious, be it as a vegetable accompaniment to a plate lunch or if you eat alone. Add a few sticks of Asparagus Salad, eat, that you like to eat! Tastes delicious with tuna, chicken or smooth, green lettuce.

If you want some tasty food, try asparagus Spears hot or cold to dip your favorite low-fat salad dressings. Eating asparagus as an aperitif or a drink.

You should choose dark green, sturdy stems, when buying asparagus. You know the fact that age can be determined by measuring the thickness of the spear? Disciples, asparagus plants extremely thin rods and older plants have thicker bars. Make sure you click on asparagus with straight stems and tips that are not open. If the stems are tough and have a bright green are not fresh. To avoid this! In addition, you try to find where wet cutting stems that dry stalks anstatt is. Make sure you choose asparagus, which have the same nominal size (length and width) to ensure that they cook you are correct.

It is not a good idea to wash the asparagus; ahead of time instead, wait until you want to eat. When it's time to wash it, dive into the water. To properly store the asparagus, keeping more than two days, with the ends and cut in a container of water stand up in the fridge.

If you have the lower part of the stems Peel to eat the Woody parts risk. This is especially the case if there's larger stems.

There is plenty to eat

A portion of asparagus 1 Cup is only 90 grams. This is equivalent to asparagus rods about six. This is a good deal on a daily basis.

Make sure you eat plenty of vegetables of every kind each week. Eat a variety and make sure to include a half-cup or a cup of asparagus per week.