Kale Nutrition Facts for Your Body

The vegetables Kale is not so popular among the people. It is not known. However, can the herb vegetables a healthy addition to many dishes and worth it for the next time, when you buy a. If you want to prepare healthy meals for your family, so please try Collard Greens in some of your food.

The herb is a green green vegetables, which has a mild flavor and medium. Kale, grow well between in the middle of the winter and spring. This is also the time when the vegetables in abundance in supermarkets, shops and markets can be found even when wet. This does not mean, however, that Kohl is not open all year round. You can find all the year round, but only in small quantities. Another plus of this legume is not only his wealth at most times of the year, but is also very economical and convenient.

In recent times, the vegetables Kale began to gain the attention they deserved. Thanks to the Council its nutritional value recognized as most doctors more. And of course with its high nutrient content, the herb is a healthy vegetable, which can be used as an ingredient in many dishes.

Cabbage is rich in various vitamins and minerals. These include iron, lutein and calcium for minerals and vitamins A, C and K, in respect of vitamins. Compared with broccoli the amount of lutein and an incredible have the amount of beta carotene cabbage ten times more seven times more. Kale is rich in fibers that most people in their food is missing. The vegetables can be a good source of dietary fiber, particularly for those foods, which worked much to consume every day. Contains to add to its beauty, that Kohl chemicals that protect against cancer. These chemicals are phytochemicals, Sulforaphane and indoles in. Vegetables contain vitamin E is very important.

Sulforaphane found in Kale vegetable enzymes, which help supply the body with detoxification. This helps in cleaning the carcinogenic substances in a timely manner. The chewing of Kale or the plate with Kale is, which leads to the production of Sulforaphane. Causes the liver to produce enzymes that detoxify to prevent cancer, that chemicals. These are chemicals that we are daily exposed. Sulforphane also has the ability, the proliferation of breast cancer cells decrease shown.

The beta carotene content of cabbage helps good eyesight. Vitamin A works hand in hand with beta carotene, to prevent the growth of cataracts. Vitamin C is found in Kale, the risk for colon cancer can be reduced on the other side.

Kale is probably from Asia come. It was introduced by the Boston Celtics to Europe. Its importance as a food was unparalleled in Europe and the staple food in Rome for a long time. In the 17th century, the English brought the Kale vegetable in the United States.

Kale, Greens belong to the same group as the cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and kale. This group known as the Brassica. When buying Collard Greens, it is important to choose the perfect ingredient for your crockery buy green wisely. Choose Kale with leaves that are small. This is because the smaller leaves are more tender and sweeter than the large Kale leaves.