Kale Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

Kale Nutrition Facts

Kale, and other dark leafy greens such as Kale, mustard green, dandelion, clearly the nutritional powerhouse are packaging more nutritious for CAL units than any other food.

The herb is extremely high in vitamin K, A and C, copper, and manganese. Have sufficient amounts of vitamin B6, potassium, calcium, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, Pantothenic acid, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium. It is surprising that a cup of chopped herb 121 mg Omega-3 fatty acids and Omega-6 fatty acids offered 92 mg.

The herb is a powerful antioxidant with Β carotene, zeaxanthin, and lutein. Zeaxanthin and lutein, found in green leafy vegetables such as spinach, Swiss chard and kale are literally vitamins for the eyes.

So what do do all of these vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for your body. Eat cabbage as an integral part of your body reduces the risk of stroke, cancer and protects against coronary heart disease to name just a few.

Kale recipes

To wash kale and remove the stem.

As each raw sake say, vegetables such as cabbage is best, if you eaten raw. If you cook, you reduce some of its nutrients and enzymes.

You can make a salad of raw pelleting small, so it of easy to eat, and add some then a creamy dressing or almond slivers and cutting fresh Apple. You can make like Kale trying with various delicious Cole Slaw salad dressings.

Juicing is a great way to collect their nutritional benefits. A little goes a long way. You can make juice in combination with cabbage, carrots, cucumber and celery. Add in an Apple, if you're a little sweet juice like you. Let the stem, as all juice and juice with a Juicer with celery or cucumber easier that to Kale or desired fruits and vegetables with a high water content.

A common way, too many people like it would consume, it is sauteing. You can roast with olive oil, onions, garlic, some broth, salt and pepper. A bit of red wine vinegar to taste good too. Always taste fresh herbs such as parsley added.

You can simply Cook the Kale. Make sure that you completely dry the cabbage white (use a salad spinner) after you wash, when your husband should be crisp after cooking. Sprinkle with olive oil, place them in a pan or baking sheet in the preheated oven at 350 degrees and 10 to 15 minutes. Another secret to crispy fried Kale for before you but rather then bake in the oven. The Herb should still green and not burnt, so check often if you do it for the first time and fit your timing and oven for the next time.

You can include Kale in your daily recipes, such as add to soups, pizzas, and pastas.

If you still not cooked Kale before, can be intimidating and try a new not just pick vegetables in the supermarket. But it is a green leaf, which must contain your per meal. Due to the high vitamin -, mineral - and antioxidant content, easily deserves its title as a food.