Diet And Nutrition Fact Guide

The health and fitness world is full of misconceptions about diet and nutrition. I will be on this diet and nutrition fact instructions guide through some of the best nutrition myths and put them directly to you.

I am so sick and tired, reading all the people's public of junk and people with incorrect information there are wrong. Don't spend a dime on another for a magic pill or potion. Read this first, and if you don't want that you can face the truth, to leave this page now.

My passion is to help people successfully in their health and fitness goals and I want to help now, to get the right information, so that you can start a good base for your healthy lifestyle today.

Diet and nutrition fact Guide

Myth: If I eat more protein, more muscle faster I build.

Diet and nutrition fact 1: proteins are the building blocks of muscles in fact exercise, but causes micro-tears in the muscle. If we relax the muscles recover and protein helps muscle recovery, what plays a role in building muscle mass, along with an increase in muscle mass, so yes protein, but only in combination with a well-defined training program.

Myth: no extra charge will achieve my goals, not

Diet and nutrition fact 2: first you must be clear about what your goals are. If you know exactly what to do an elite athlete and you or your coach, supplements will be an advantage, if you build a competitive bodybuilder and you want muscle mass can seriously therefore very important additions in muscle recovery play, but if some want to lose weight should not use the supplements. A healthy diet and regular exercise you get there.

Myth: exercise is more important than the food

Diet and nutrition fact 3: proper nutrition is the cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle and weight loss program. As a personal trainer, I always think of customers, because the results are based on 70% diet and 30 percent on the year. So you get proper diet before hitting the gym.

Myth: Cravings are way says your body that needs something

Diet and nutrition fact 4: If you believe it or not, this is one of the most false myths. Cravings are often associated with an emotional leitmotif and unmet basic needs such as the need for fun excitement or even love. Emotional problems that derive generally associated with these cravings from stress, tension, fear, anxiety, impatience, depression or low energy and fatigue. They are also often with hormonal changes, especially in pregnant women.

Myth: carbs are the enemy

Diet and nutrition fact 5: there is no secret tricks to lose weight. Is pretty straightforward. You need is a well rounded diet and carbohydrates, proteins and fats are, because all three of these macro nutrients have important functions in the body. The problem arises when we don't know what kind of eating carbohydrates and the effect on blood sugar levels.

And this is probably one of the most important fact you need to know if you want to lose weight. Keeping blood sugar levels steady with the right foods and stick to your exercise program and achieve your goals.