Eat and live in harmony with our DNA: here's how!

I received many requests to put down guidelines for proper nutrition and proper lifestyle based on an evolutionary approach.

What I will say is needed to understand how you should eat and move above. It is not a recipe for "all or nothing". Everyone has his time and his needs. It is not a diet to do six months and then leave. It's not even a diet. It's simply a way of eating and living that takes into account the fact that we are animals, that we have evolved to 2.5 million years eating certain things and not others, even moving in a certain way. Perhaps the alternatives suggested by the various associations of doctors and Dietitians have not produced the desired results because they haven't taken account of who we are and where we come from.


We are "animals" that for over 2 million years we ate what they were in nature. Hunting other animals, collecting fruits, vegetables, tubers, fishing. It wasn't a conscious choice. Simply we had to adapt to eat anything to survive. We had up until a few years ago (as long as the modern power has not wiped out the traditional one) people who were perfectly sane eating fatty, almost exclusively as the Eskimos and peoples who were equally sane eating almost exclusively carbohydrates (in the form of tubers) as the Kitava. The point is not to choose the right proportion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in foods we eat, the point is to choose "real" foods, natural, not man-made. Our genes are what they are because they have evolved and refined by eating real foods, not artificial, not created by the food industry. The first and most important step towards healthy eating is to remember this maxim: "if it is done by humans do not eat". The food industry thrives by creating low-priced food, tasty, can't-miss. But it is a trap. The greater part of us doesn't have a DNA that has adapted to this power for the simple reason that they took the time. In genetics a few thousand years is nothing. And take tens of years, as is the case for many foods that we find in supermarkets. Perhaps 1 million years we will have human beings ready to thrive with industrial foods, for now it is not so.

Avoid foods with a label!

2) EAT more meat and fish

You prefer the meat of ruminants, as I explain in another post (the one on FAT) of this blog. The meat from animals that eat grass and leaves. Ruminants are able to take nutrients from plants (we're not) and to transform them so that they are readily available to us. You prefer the meat of ruminants fed with grass (grass-fed). Prefer fatty cuts, are more nutritious, are more rich in fat-soluble vitamins, are more satiating and therefore I take off the urge to binge of man-made rubbish throughout the day. Eating this kind of meat you will take almost 100% of the nutrients you need to stay healthy.

Pork and chicken are good, but in the second measure, due to the fact that are rich in Omega-6 fatty acids, "inflammatory".

Don't fall into the trap of grilled chicken breast, condition. Some people give the muscle to their dogs and keep for itself the cuts more fat. Eat fatty cuts if you are sure that the meat is grass-fed. Eat the tongue, the heart, the liver of animals: the innards are a wealth of nutrients.

Go-ahead to fish such as sardines, mackerel, wild salmon, seafood. Fatty fish caught(not reared with flour) should be fine. The larger predatory fish like tuna are eaten in moderation for the problem of mercury poisoning of our water: they tend to be more easily poisoned by mercury. This does not mean that they cannot be eaten. Just be careful not to eat the same type of large fish.

3) TAKE carbohydrates by PLANTS (not FROM SEEDS of PLANTS)

We are not chickens. Then eat carbohydrates that come from fruits, vegetables and tubers, like potatoes, yams, taro, tapioca (cassava, cassava, yucca). The reason is that these tubers are rich in anti-nutrients like cereals and legumes. White rice is a possible exception in certain cases. If we want to lose weight do not overdo with carbohydrates.

4) avoid cereals and legumes

Many posts in this blog explains why. Ditto for cereal products like flour. Are foods made for birds (cereals) and not to the man. Eat them alone 10,000 years and 90% of us in one way or another just tolerates them. Are rich in anti nutrients and nutrient-poor. Do yourself a favor: levitate as much as possible (if you have self-esteem to remove madness!!!)

5) the FOOD you eat, YOU DON'T DRINK

Avoid soft drinks and all man-made mash. Exceptions: 1 coffee every now and then, green tea, a glass of wine every now and then with friends. Drink water, does very well and is cheap.

6) COOK with BUTTER, tallow, coconut oil

Saturated fatty acids do not spoil cooking unlike vegetable oils (including olive oil).Serve with sour cream, whipped cream (unsweetened), homemade mayonnaise with olive oil.


Extraordinary food, especially if coming from your farmer confidence. There is a limit, it's a personal matter. Also use them to flavor other foods.


Increase omega-6 in your diet, which is bad. Levitate accurately, except olive oil.


Overtime for your gut. Like sauerkraut and fermented milk kefir, portentous.

9) almonds and walnuts OK

Do not overdo it because sources of omega-6.

10) milk and DAIRY PRODUCTS NO

If you don't have auto-immune diseases take every now and then a bit of Parmesan.

11) FRUIT and vegetables OK

If you have no particular problems can eat all kinds of fruits (good avocado, coconut and berries) and vegetables.

12) physical activity

Our ancestors weren't marathons or aerobics. They were rather like the Lions, moved to hunting and lazed actively for the rest of the day. Did big efforts but for a limited period of time. In practice, then: a) do very intense efforts but for a very short time (ex:bring four grocery bags full to 3 flights of stairs, move heavy objects short distances, go in the gym 1 time per week and do very intense weights but for no more than 15minutes) and b) do once a week of short sprints 30-40 meters for twenty minutes in a row. Simply and progresses. Nay: play with your kids and run with them! Let the long hours of aerobic ladies suffer for the nonfat yogurt and a slice of grilled chicken!!!


Sleep 8-9 hours per night with the natural rhythms of day and night. Reduce the lighting your home with sunset. Do complete darkness in your room (not even the Lucina of the TV must remain on). Take a swim in the evening with British salt if you want to relax. If you are overweight and do not sleep the ability to lose weight will be reduced drastically. Sleep is way easier and more enjoyable to lose weight, remember this.

14) SEX

Sex is one of the most pleasurable activities and more in tune with our nature. Privately not. You can better and longer having sex. Better at night: the secretion of certain hormones that accompanies sexual activity favors the arrival of sleep. You will sleep better and more later, with great benefits for your health and your body weight.