The importance of the Bluefish

Fish is one of the most nutritious, delicious and healthy foods of many nature offers us.

Fish that are higher in fat, are popularly referred to as blue. From the nutritional point of view the fish is classified according to its content in fat and are divided into fish lean, semigrasos and fatty. Blue or fatty fish may reach up to 10% of fat content, and can vary according to the species.

To this group belong the sardine, anchovy, mackerel, the Ashen, horse mackerel, tuna, bonito of the North, herring, salmon, eel, swordfish. This fat is rich in healthy fatty acids (Omega-3). Recent scientific studies have shown that these fatty acids, are highly beneficial for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Another feature of these fatty acids is to maintain the structure and activity of the cell membrane. Also help in the growth of blood vessels and nerves, and keeps the skin and other tissues of young and flexible due to its lubricating ability.

Fish is a food that is digested easily. It is rich in protein of high biological quality, containing all the essential amino acids like lysine (very important for infant growth) and tryptophan (essential for the formation of blood and forerunner of an amino acid called serotonin, essential for a good emotional balance). It also has a number of vitamins and minerals that facilitate the functions that occur in the metabolism of the human body.

Oily fish contains large amounts of vitamin A and D, and also has vitamin E (which exerts an anti-oxidative protective effect). The fish, in general, is also a good source of vitamins of the Group B, specifically B12.

In terms of minerals, it is very rich in sodium and potassium and a little less calcium. For example, its iodine content is about 25 times greater than the one of other proteins of animal origin. The fried fish is a good source of calcium and phosphorus; the same goes for canned sardines. By its mineral content, fish consumption is recommended for growing children and pregnant women.

Fish supports multiple culinary preparations, adds variety to food and gourmet and nutritionally enriched many of our dishes. In addition, a balanced diet and healthy should be varied and include weekly consumption of fish (at least two servings of oily fish).