Nutritional assessment
It is one of the fruits with lower caloric content in its overall composition, since it contains a lot of water. Principles of immediate note, there are no doubt to vitamin C. But as a curiosity, I'd like to point, which despite being known by all as the most vitamin-rich fruit, we are not totally correct, but are strawberries or raspberries, have more content in Ascorbic acid fruits.
Vitamin C is involved in the formation of collagen, present in the tissues of teeth and bones. It also promotes the absorption of iron at the intestinal level.
Between micro nutrients, it is high in folic acid or vitamin B9, calcium, magnesium and potassium, the latter gives you certain diuretic characteristics.
Antioxidant properties which you impute to it, those responsible for this are different organic acids as the Mali, citric or oxalic. Its color is due to the presence of b-carotene, which increases immune function and reduce some infectious diseases.
Orange is a fruit that is very rich in fiber, so it is highly recommended to consume it if there is constipation, which is a perfect intestinal regulator. Being insoluble fiber, it helps control blood sugar peaks and also to regular satiety, so it is great to take as mid-morning or also snack on low-calorie diets.
Sensitive vitamin C
How many times we have heard the typical phrase of mother ' daughter, will drink the juice fast that vitamins you will '? and I when I was little, I was wondering to where you go away, it was not able to understand it, in fact it made me grace. But in fact, they will not or evaporate, but vitamin C is one of the most sensitive to changes in temperature and oxidation. This means that to oxidize, it would perform its functions adequately in our body, thus losing its antioxidant properties. Yes it is true that the vitamin does no trust immediately into contact with oxygen, but the ideal would be to consume freshly squeezed juice or cut fruit in the Act.