Constipation is a condition in which feces become hard, dry and difficult to pass. Other symptoms may include painful bowel movement and sensation of swelling. We consider that a depositional habit is normal between 3 non-liquid daily bowel movements and deposition 1 every 3 days with feeling of complete evacuation.
This type of problem is often found in developed countries where usually eat a smaller amount of fiber, particularly insoluble fiber. Broadly the type of diet should be high in fiber with what must contain between 30 and 40 g of fiber per day.
Other important factors are the physical exercise (since stimulates bowel movements)and age, because starting at age 65 the intestinal tract undergoes different changes. We can also find other causes or pathological States associated such as irritable bowel syndrome, disorders of the nervous system, etc.
Once has been diagnosed of have had constipation the following dietary guideline swill be followed:
Increasing the consumption of:
- Vegetables: Is recommended twice a day, one in raw form. Flatulent as vegetables(artichokes, cauliflower, peppers, cucumber, broccoli, Brussels sprouts), vegetable(carrot) astringents and purees passed by the Chinese since it lost the fiber is to avoid.
- Fruit: Allowed virtually all, of them cooked or raw, with skin or skinless. She is to avoid the astringent (grapefruit, grated Apple, lemon...) and fruit in syrup or candied.
- Vegetables: You recommend 2 to 3 times a week and will allow all varieties due to their high fiber content.
- Cereals: Are preferred integrals, limit the rice since it is astringent or combine it with legumes and vegetables. The outer shell of the grain of wheat, wheat bran, is very important since it is a source of fiber and helps to stimulate the intestinal muscles.
- Drinks: Try to get a water intake of at least 1, 5-2 L per day to prevent an intestinal obstruction.
- Fats: have an effect lubricant and stimulant. It is recommended to take a consumption limited to olive oil and dried fruits base.
- Avoid a sedentary lifestyle and schedule regular physical exercise.
- Special care with the use of laxatives.
- Re-education of the habits of bowel movement, establishing schedules and exercise the abdominal muscles.
- Establish treatment if you have any pathology.