Hiatal hernia: diet and healthy tips

What is the hiatal hernia

The hiatal hernia is a disease stomach that it affects more than 20% of the population in adulthood and affects mostly people with overweight and obese.
The esophagus is connected to the stomach through a series of muscles so the acid produced during digestion in the stomach can not pass to other organs. If these muscles are weakened, then the acid will leave from the stomach to the esophagus,causing pain and inflammation, and even to penetrate the abdomen giving rise to thehiatal hernia.

Often these symptoms are confused with acidity or heartburn continued due to indigestion or heavy meals. The most characteristic symptoms are headaches and heartburn in the breast that are amplified after a hearty meal and that is compounded when lying down or increasing the pressure on the abdomen.

If we suffer from obesity or overweight we are increasing the pressure exercised by our body on the abdomen so these two factors are critical for developing the disease. Other common causes are violent coughs, vomiting repeated during periods of time or pregnancy (since the fetus increases the pressure on our stomach).

In many cases, with proper diet and without the need for drugs we managed to reduce or eliminate any inconvenience. If the hernia is more developed, we will need drug treatment under the supervision of our medical.

Recommended for the hiatal hernia diet

As a large part of those who suffer from hernia hiatus they tend them to overrun a few kilos, to the hiatal hernia diet aims to both reduce their discomfort as lose those pounds that will make you to improve your health:
  • A healthy and diet with a contribution of calories that progressively reduce the weight if necessary.
  • We go by varying the diet and adapting it to the individual to make you feel motivated. This support which will quickly feel an improvement in your condition.
  • The ways of cooking more heavy and greasy usually produce discomfort so remove them from the usual diet is suitable. After recovering a healthy weight again reintroduce greater variation in the diet.
  • Distribute food in five or more meals a day. Thus reducing the volume of food you eat and, therefore, work that should make our stomach. We will not let go more than 3hours without eating or drinking something.
  • We forget heavy or heavy meals for awhile and eat slowly and chewing food properly.
  • Nothing to eat solid foods or liquids shortly before going to bed. Our stomach should not work if we are lying, so you must spend at least two hours.
  • We will take in small quantity or occasional fatty food (there it will be time more out of eating them) and avoid the very salted or pickled. Do you not remember that hurt you the stomach after a binge?
  • We will avoid very fatty sauces made with egg yolks, too much oil, cream cheese...
  • Foods that stimulate the secretion of gastric (such as coffee and alcohol) also have to remove them. We replace coffee with chicory, Malta or mild infusions.
These are the General ideas of a diet for hiatal hernia. Your dietitian-nutritionist will adapt it to your habits and lifestyle: If you can not live without wine at dinner or a beer weekend doesn't normally exceed anything provided you do it during or after meal sand never in fasting.