Prevention: the diet tasty!

It goes without saying that to patter take full advantage of the benefits of the foods mentioned, and their prevention, it is also imported to rely on recipes that use these ingredients to prepare delicious meals Prevent cancer can power can thus become extremely pleasant.

The easiest way, and which we would recommend, is to get a good book of recipes that use the foods recommended in this column. We must not invent anything new: the peoples of the Middle East cook the vegetables for at least 3000 years. Asian cuisine offers many opportunities to use the trail in all its forms, not to mention the systematic use by this culture of mortars cruciferous vegetables, especially the different varieties of cabbage.

The Mediterranean peoples and Japanese high art to the preparation of fish and seafood and a person so indispensable reference guide for the preparation of dishes based on these foods. Same thing regarding Italians and Spaniards in the use of tomatoes, or even Indian food for the different curries.

These recipes offer excellent opportunities to cook tasty dishes based on the principles that we have described in this section.

It is a key point, because to eat healthy is essential that the consumption of the meal is a pleasant time. For most people, a diet is something boring, punishment and deprivation. On the contrary, the program that we propose, far from being a punishment, it should be rather considered as a reward!

Have access to thousands of recipes that use healthy ingredients and gusts, vary constantly meals to include all fruits and vegetables available on the market is more like Epicureanism that asceticism.