Orthorexia, an obsession with the healthy

In the society of the 21st century when we are still struggling to eradicate hunger in the world and work to combat obesity, paradoxically have appeared new eating disorders. Even though some of them have not been even recognized officially, as although anorexia or bulimia, did in their day if they have been described and they are being case study.

One of these eating disorders is the orthorexia, described for the first time in 1997 by-Dr. Steven Bratman. This comes from the Greek Ortho (straight or correct) and orexis (appetite) and means obsession by a proper appetite. People with orthorexia are very strict, vulnerable perception, controllers and demanding with themselves and with others. Women, adolescents and athletes, especially bodybuilders and athletes, are the most vulnerable groups.

All of this starts when the person in question attempts to eat more healthily, whether by improving their health, treat any disease or lose weight. Up to there obviously everything is very normal, even good, but soon just across the barrier of obsession. They eventually show a pathological obsession for biologically pure food, which leads to significant restrictions food, presenting a great sensitivity to avoid foods that contain or may have dyes, preservatives, pesticides, genetically modified ingredients,unhealthy fats or excessive content in salt, sugars and other components. The way of preparation and the materials used are also part of their obsessive ritual. On the other hand, they feel very comfortable when they design and bring a menu, a portion or a dish made exclusively with organic products, Eco-friendly, bio or with certain health certificates.

Diagnostic criteria

Although there are still not enough data to give some diagnostic criteria fixed in all cases, if they have proposed a set of them:

Spend several hours a day, more than 3 hours, thinking about their diet.
Worry about the quality of the food for the pleasure of eating them.
Decrease in their quality of life as progressing disease, aside from his previous life.
They have a feeling of guilt when they do not comply with their dietary doctrines, and tend to be punished.
Excessive planning of what they will eat.


The intervention of a support team involving physicians, psychotherapists, and nutritionists-dietitians is required. The first step is the consensus with the patient in a more balanced diet, in addition to a medical examination to determine the current status of the patient and to attend a session with the psychotherapist to find the problem that arose and work to eliminate it. With regards to pharmacological treatment anti serotoninergic only be used in those cases where the doctor see as worrying. Unlike other TCA patients, they tend to respond better to treatment,precisely because of that concern for his health.

Like other TCA the environment of the patient is very important for your speedy recovery, so it also has to rely on them as part of the treatment. Promote early nutrition education is vital to achieve the final solution to the problem.