Organic food

Ecological, biological, organic foods come from plants or animals in whose cultivationor breeding has not been used synthetic pesticides or chemicals, hormones or drugs,and that have not undergone processes artificial or forced. Pesticides and other resources used for its production are natural, not synthetic, and conform to rules on permitted, restricted and prohibited materials.

An intermediate category between organic and conventional products are food stuffs of integrated production, in which the quality of the product is optimized with amaximum respect for the environment and certain chemicals are allowed only when they are essential.

The reasons for choice of organic food:
  • Health benefits
  • Nutritive value
  • Security
  • Concern for the environment
  • Avoid waste contaminants in food
  • Freshness
  • Aroma and other sensory characters
  • Protection of wildlife and waters

There are not many experimental studies that compare with rigour the nutritional value of the conventional food and organic. The overall conclusion is that it is not obvious that organic food and conventional will differ in the concentration of nutrients, although there are data indicating a lower content in water and, therefore, a higher concentration of nutrients and antioxidants a bit higher in some organic products.

For your safety, lower levels of nitrates on the conventional, found which is beneficial. Low or no content of pesticides, can say the same thing, although it should be noted that qualified as organic pesticide products have been found on the market. On the other hand, in the current environmental conditions practically cannot be guaranteed any product as completely free of pesticides or heavy metals, since these components are in the environment and may pollute any product in the field or on the farm or during transport and distribution. In any case, the risk of contamination in organic products is lower than that of the conventional.

In short, the consumption of organic products is a reasonable option that is usually framed in a particular concept of quality or style of life, but it is not within the reach of everyone and global assembly could not hold in General. It is obvious and necessary to prevent the abuse of hormones, pesticides or fertilizers.

Now, cannot be said that consumers of organic products nurture is better than consumers of quality conventional products, the essential, in both cases, is a varied and balanced diet.