Breathe well for weight loss

To lose the extra pounds, might be sufficient to breathe properly. According to researchers at the University of New South Wales, in fact, proper breathing is able to do much for the physical shape because the role of the lungs is also to help us in any way to get rid of the extra pounds.

But how is it possible that your breathing can help you lose the extra pounds? The explanation, according to the researchers, is quite simple. Adipose cells are composed of atoms that are split if you want to delete. The process of breaking the tie that binds together these atoms is called oxidation, and is due to breathing that activates this mechanism, with which, again according to the authors of the research, you can dispose of up to 80% of the body weight.

The rest is eliminated through the urine, sweat, the body fluids and other debris. The oxidized fat is excreted from the body in the form of carbon dioxide and this takes place by means of respiration which provides for gas exchange. You will know that your lungs are the primary organ where you drop the extra pounds. The secret lies in proper breathing.

But what is the right way to breathe? The thoracic breathing can be, what usually happens in every moment of its existence, and which would be diaphragmatic, the most correct. This breathing, which is equivalent to belly breathe, allows better digestion, improves circulation and runs better the lymphatic system. However, it is not the spontaneous respiration, so you must get used to breathing diaframmatically. Moreover, this breathing is the first thing that is taught in the schools of singing, because it lets you sing for hours without getting tired and without any problem. And it is precisely in this way that, breathing better, there is a greater and better oxygenation that triggers the process of oxidation is essential to start the splitting of atoms of the adipose cells which can be disposed of more easily.