Legumes? No, thanks!

Legumes are often advertised as the "farmer's meat", referring to their protein content. You do not have the meat? Eat legumes which is more or less the same thing. Actually pulses, with equal weight, contain 3 times less meat protein and on top of these proteins are not readily bioavailable (absorb-able) due to poor digestibility. Also the quality of the proteins of legumes is lower than those of the flesh as they are scarce in some essential amino acids.

The iron and zinc content of legumes is very high, we are told. What we are told is that these minerals are for 80% related to phytates (we mentioned in the post cereals)whereby we can absorb them. Watch and do not touch! ... you could say ...

But in addition to not being particularly rich in proteins and minerals legumes are rich in anti-nutrients (substances that instead of saying well, hurt). Let's see some.


Saponins are molecules contained in legumes that have the ability to damage the cells of our intestines allowing other substances (which would not normally in the blood) to enter it. These contaminants (toxins, bacteria, etc) can cause a sub-clinical inflammation that underlies many "modern" diseases (chronic diseases in General). The damage of saponins is dose dependent (more saponins, more damage). Are not destroyed by cooking significantly even than the food but are reduced significantly from fermentation of food. Natty, for example, which is a fermented soybean derivative(food highly inadvisable) is actually a food rich in vitamin K2 and poor of anti-nutrients: fermentation transforms the soy bean from a substance in practice "poisonous" in a food, natty is one of the most extraordinary and recommended (for the rich supply of vitamin K2 that gives our diet).


The phytates are a kind of natural magnet contained in cereals and legumes. Attract metals (which we need) and make them unavailable for absorption. Anti-nutrients are par excellence. Are reduced from germination and fermentation. Tannin is similar to phytates and also damages the intestinal wall by promoting inflammation.


Are substances that act as female hormones in our body. Soy is rich in isoflavones. Are substances that can cause thyroid malfunction in a few months until you reach the goiter. In women cause a reduction in LH and FSH hormones by about 20%. These hormones are involved in ovulation, then soy consumption may be implicated in some cases of ovulation failure.

A study in 2007 by Roman has put on the dock soy isoflavones as a possible cause of autism. Pregnant women who use soy may undergo intensive a thyroid damage that reverberates on the brain of the fetus developing in those areas involved with the pathogenesis of autism.


As cereals and legumes are also rich with lectins. Lectins are toxic to humansantinutrients. This is why we cannot eat raw beans; just because it would be devastating for our health. Lectins have the ability of intestinal barrier marring. Once in the blood can cause immune reactions or inflammatory phenomena.